Veena Basavaraj
Veena Basavaraj
@rragan updated the description to be more precise.
is n't this simply extending dynamic partials concept. ? If partials can be invoked dynamically , why not inline partials. Not sure if this is possible with current implementation, since...
@jimmyhchan is working on this, as we realized the need for extensions to filters for html and js encoding.
we use the tap method to resolve values. Inside a helpers, it is upto to the one who writes the heper to resolve the values using tap/capture/map sounds reasonable to...
@juliangoacher yes tap is synchronous. I am wondering how the dynamic partials work, it also uses chunk.capture
nope. I dont think so. not on this for sure :-)
@rragan there is a duplicate ticket for this already.
@rragan oops!
has anyone double condfirmed this? dust.renderSource('{