VL.StandardLibs copied to clipboard
Categories are from imgui.h.
Note Not all Categories/Widgets will be wrapped as nodes, some will be wrapped in a more convenient way.
Demo, Debug, Info
- [x] DemoWindow
- [x] MetricsWindow
- ~~DebugLogWindow~~ - missing in .net
- [x] StackToolWindow
- [x] AboutWindow
- [x] StyleEditor
- [x] StyleSelector
- [ ] FontSelector
- [x] UserGuide
- [x] GetVersion - not a widget
- [x] Setters. See vvvv/VL.StandardLibs#50
- [ ] SetFont (PushFont/PopFont)
- [x] Getters
- [x] GetFont
- [x] GetFontSize
- [x] GetFontTextUvWhitePixel
- [x] GetColor
- [x] GetStyleColor
- [ ] StyleColorsDark
- [ ] StyleColorsLight
- [ ] StyleColorsClassic
- [x] Window
- [x] ChildWindow
- [x] Windows Utils
- [x] IsWindowAppearing
- [x] IsWindowCollapsed
- [x] IsWindowFocused
- [x] IsWindowHovered
- [ ] GetWindowDrawList
- [x] GetWindowPos
- [x] GetWindowSize (join them into GetWindowBounds?)
- [x] GetWindowWidth
- [x] GetWindowHeight
- [x] Window Manipulation
- [x] SetNextWindowPos
- [x] SetNextWindowSize
- [x] SetTextWindowSizeConstraints
- [x] SetNextWindowContentSize
- [x] SetNextWindowCollapsed
- [x] SetNextWindowFocus
- [x] SetNextWindowBgAlpha
- ~~SetWindowPos~~ Not Recommended: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/2d38bc99b3b0013952d3d390397297083b767972/imgui.h#L361
- ~~SetWindowSize (join them into SetWindowBounds?)~~
- ~~SetWindowCollapsed~~
- ~~SetWindowFocus~~
- [x] Content Region
- [x] GetContentRegionAvail
- [x] GetContentRegionMax
- [x] GetWindowContentRegionMin/Max
- [x] Scrolling
- [x] GetScrollX/Y
- [x] SetScrollX/Y
- [x] GetScrollMaxX/Y
- [x] SetScrollHereX/Y
- [x] SetScrollFromPosX/Y
Stacks (Shared)
- [ ] AllowKeyboardFocus
- [ ] ButtonRepeat
Stacks (CurrentWindow)
- [x] SetItemWidth (Push/Pop)
- [x] SetNextItemWidth
- [x] CalcItemWidth
- [x] SetTextWrapPos (Push/Pop)
Cursor / Layout
- [x] Separator
- [x] SameLine
- [ ] NewLine
- [x] Spacing
- [x] Dummy
- [x] Indent
- [ ] Unindent
- [x] Row
- [x] Column
- [x] GetCursorPos
- [x] SetCursorPos
- [x] GetCursorStartPos
- [x] GetCursorScreenPos
- [x] AlignTextToFramePadding
- [x] GetTextLineHeight (incl GetLineHeightWithSpacing)
- [x] GetFrameHeight (incl GetFrameHeightWithSpacing)
- [ ] Text
- [ ] TextUnformatted
- [x] Text
- [x] TextDisabled (part of the Text node)
- [x] Introduced
Text (Multiline)
(Text + SetTextWrapPosition) ? - [ ] Should we introduce
(Text (Multiline) + ChildWindow) ? - [x] LabelText
- [x] BulletText
- [ ] Main
- [x] Button
- [x] SmallButton
- ~~InvisibleButton~~
- [x] ArrowButton
- [ ] Image - @azeno
- [ ] ImageButton - @azeno
- [x] Checkbox
- [ ] CheckboxFlags
- [x] Radiobutton
- [x] ProgressBar
- [x] Bullet
- [x] ComboBox (aka Dropdown)
- [x] Drag Sliders
- [x] DragFloat/2/3/4
- [x] DragFloatRange2
- [x] DragInt/2/3/4/
- [x] DragIntRange2
- ~~DragScalar~~
- [x] Regular Sliders
- [x] SliderFloat/2/3/4
- [x] SliderInt2/3/4
- ~~SliderAngle~~
- ~~SliderScalar~~
- [x] VSliderFloat
- [x] VSliderInt
- ~~VSliderScalar~~
- [x] Input with Keyboard
- [x] InputText
- [x] InputTextMultiline
- [x] InputTextWithHint
- [x] InputFloat2/3/4
- [x] InputInt2/3/4
- ~~InputDouble~~
- ~~InputScalar~~
- [x] Color Editor/Picker
- ~~ColorEdit3~~
- [x] ColorEdit4
- ~~ColorPicker3~~
- [x] ColorPicker4
- [x] ColorButton
- [x] SetColorEditOptions - not sure we need it. "SetColorEditOptions() is designed to allow you to set boot-time default. We don't have Push/Pop functions because you can force options on a per-widget basis if needed,"
- [ ] Trees
- [ ] TreeNode - looks like we don't need it
- [x] TreeNodeEx - is wrapped into
node. - [ ] TreePush - looks like we don't need it
- [ ] TreePop - used internally by the
node. - [x] GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing
- [x] CollapsingHeader - how to handle IsVisible / Value (BSubject) pins. IsVisible says if the Header is "opened", Value sets/gets if the Header is visible at all. ?
- [x] SetNextItemOpen
- [x] Selectable
- [x] ListBox
- [x] DataPlotting
- [x] PlotLines
- [x] PlotHistogram
- [x] Menus
- [x] MenuBar
- [x] MainMenuBar
- [x] Menu
- [x] MenuItem
- [x] Tooltips
- [x] Tooltip
- [x] SetTooltip
- [x] Popups, Modals
- [x] Popup
- [x] PopupModal = ModalWindow, see vvvv/VL.StandardLibs#44.
- [x] OpenPopup
- [x] CloseCurrentPopup
- [x] IsPopupOpen
- [x] Tables
- [x] Table
- [x] TableNextRow
- [x] TableNextColumn
- [x] TableSetColumnIndex
- [x] TablesSetupColumn
- [x] TableSetupScrollFreeze
- [x] TableHeaderRow
- [x] TableHeader
- [x] Sorting
- [x] TableGetSortSpecs
- [x] TableGetColumnCount
- [x] TableGetColumnIndex
- [x] TableGetRowIndex
- [x] TableGetColumnName
- [x] TableGetColumnFlags
- [x] TableGetColumnEnabled
- [x] TableSetBgColor
- [x] Tabs
- [x] TabBar
- [x] TabItem
- [x] TabItemButton
- [x] SetTabItemClosed
- [ ] Logging
- [ ] LogToTTY
- [ ] LogToFile
- [ ] LogToClipboar
- [ ] LogFinish
- [ ] LogButtons
- [ ] LogText
- [ ] Drag&Drop
- [ ] DragDropSource
- [ ] SetDrapDropPayload
- [ ] DragDropTarget
- [ ] AcceptDragDropPayload
- [ ] GetDragDropPayload
- [x] Disabling (Beta API)
- [x] Disabled
- [ ] Clipping
- [ ] ClipRect
- [x] Focus / Activation
- [x] SetItemDefaultFocus
- [x] SetKeyboardFocusHere
- [x] Queries
- [x] IsItemHovered
- [x] IsItemActive
- [x] IsItemFocused
- [x] IsItemClicked
- [x] IsItemVisible
- [x] IsItemEdited
- [x] IsItemActivated
- [x] IsItemDeactivated
- [x] IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit
- [x] IsItemToggledOpen
- [x] IsAnyItemHovered
- [x] IsAnyItemActive
- [x] IsAnyItemFocused
- [x] GetItemRectMin
- [x] GetItemRectMax
- [x] GetItemRectSize
- [x] SetItemAllowOverlap
- [ ] Background/Foreground Draw Lists
- [ ] GetBackgroundDrawList
- [ ] GetForegroundDrawList
- [ ] Misc Utils
- [x] IsRectVisible
- [ ] GetTime
- [ ] GetFrameCount
- [ ] GetDrawListSharedData
- [ ] GetStyleColorName
- [ ] SetStateStorage
- [ ] GetStateStorage
- [ ] ChildFrame
- [x] Text Utils
- [x] CalcTextSize
- [ ] Color Utils (Do we need them?)
- [ ] ColorConvertU32ToFloat4
- [ ] ColorConvertFloat4ToU32
- [ ] ColorConvertRGBtoHSV
- [ ] ColorConvertHSVtoRGB
- [x] Clipboard Utils
- [x] GetClipboardText
- [x] SetClipboardText
- [x] Settings Utils
- [x] LoadIniSettingsFromDisk
- [x] LoadIniSettingsFromMemory
- [x] SaveIniSettingsToDisk
- [x] SaveIniSettingsToMemory
- [ ] Debug Utils
- [ ] DebugTextEncoding
- [ ] DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout
- [ ] Input Utils
- [ ] Keyboard ?
- [ ] Mouse ?
- [ ] Memory Allocators ?
- [ ] GetIO
- [x] GetStyle
- [ ] NewFrame
- [ ] EndFrame
- [ ] Render
- [ ] GetDrawData
- [ ] CreateContext
- [ ] DestroyContext
- [ ] GetCurrentContext
- [ ] SetCurrentContext
ID Stack/Scopes
- [x] PushID
- [x] PopID
- [x] GetID
- [x] GetMainViewport