
Results 25 issues of vvssttkk

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@chen0040 at class `RecursiveRNN3` u wrote that ``` config_file_path = RecursiveRNN2.get_config_file_path(model_dir_path) weight_file_path = RecursiveRNN2.get_weight_file_path(model_dir_path) ... architecture_file_path = RecursiveRNN2.get_architecture_file_path(model_dir_path) open(architecture_file_path, 'w').write(self.model.to_json()) ``` it's normal?

@chen0040 hi, I want to train my own model in my EN data. Which your variants models u recommend me to use?

hi, I want to train my own model in my Russian data. Which your variants models u recommend me to use?

what we have in file *.npy? I want using your repo for my russian articles Its file doesn't crash me anything? in this context I speak about the content file

hi in my pool data, i want clusterization for this approach, i will train many models with different num topics after i should choose реу best model which metrics at...

список здесь -- https://github.com/quantum-ods/qmlcourse/actions/runs/7893585776/job/21542499974 для игнорирования (если имеется закономерность, пишите через регулярное выражение) существует `.yaspellerrc.json`

good first issue

сию используется `0.3.22`, но в пакетах такого не наблюдается. нужно руками в кровавом poetry заменить версию на ту, где не будет падать непрерывная доставка проблема -- https://github.com/quantum-ods/qmlcourse/actions/runs/7614794232/job/20737904095

good first issue