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Error when trying to install vuvuzela-client
$ go get -u
go/src/ opts.Dir undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method Dir)
go/src/ opts.ValueDir undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method ValueDir)
go/src/ opts.SyncWrites undefined (type func(string) badger.Options has no field or method SyncWrites)
go/src/ cannot use opts (type func(string) badger.Options) as type badger.Options in argument to badger.Open
Apparently that is related to breaking API changes:
Problem now is, when I change the version of badger I get this:
$ go build
../alpenhorn/pkg/data.go:131:7: assignment mismatch: 1 variable but item.Value returns 2 values
../alpenhorn/pkg/data.go:131:20: too many arguments in call to item.Value
have (func([]byte) error)
want ()
../alpenhorn/pkg/data.go:154:7: assignment mismatch: 1 variable but item.Value returns 2 values
../alpenhorn/pkg/data.go:154:19: too many arguments in call to item.Value
have (func([]byte) error)
want ()
../alpenhorn/pkg/extract.go:222:6: assignment mismatch: 1 variable but item.Value returns 2 values
../alpenhorn/pkg/extract.go:222:18: too many arguments in call to item.Value
have (func([]byte) error)
want ()
../alpenhorn/pkg/register.go:102:17: not enough arguments in call to tx.Commit
have ()
want (func(error))
Due to my non-existent knowledge of programming in Go, I had to hack this in an ugly way. But hey, better than nothing!
go get -u
cd "$GOPATH/src/"
No. None of the tagged versions work. Use this commit.
git checkout 50bef1d5c7be94eed748c17ae55a4de94b8ba165
cd "$GOPATH/src/"
Basically building vuvuzela-client
go build main.go gui.go conversation.go notify.go alpenhorn.go commands.go connect.go
./main -username [email protected]
You probably could move the executable to pretend you installed vuvuzela as intended:
mv main "$GOPATH/bin/vuvuzela-client"