I have implemented "click-drag resize" the bbox, instead of "quick delete" -> "draw new one" as the current version. I found it is useful in a case: when the tracker...
Yeah, i will clean code a bit and will make a pull request! Have u planned to integrate the Tracker with state-of-the-art deep learning object detection model to help us...
I have made a pull request of click-drag-resizing. Would you mind to take a look?
Yeah, I thought about the first one too, Could u clarify label with a single click drag?
Oh yeah, thanks. I understood. If u plan to do other 's features. I think I can help u finish some features you have just mentioned.
Hi, thanks for your quick reply. In the paper, it seems like they do some preprocessing to remove noise in the input? Do u think it might help ?
Yeah, thanks, Ah although you got the overfitting problem, I am curious that could your model can distinguish voice of 2 people in some extent?
Hello @HassanAbbas92 , Thanks for sharing training code imlementation, how is it going? I am reading the paper and just inference the result and think about training from scratch. Have...
@ajavanmardii I trained on .png frames.