zabbix-threat-control copied to clipboard
no hosts or packages visible in dashboard - related to fix hostid in
We are running zabbix version: 5.0.10. There is no host or packages visible in my dashboard in zabbix. The "Template Vulners OS-Report" is linked to two hosts. Zabbix server by it self and another ubuntu server. I've updated the execution timer on the items and
My guess is, that it has something to do with the or script. To run the script without "host-id" error, i removed these entries documented in issue: #48
Anyone an idea whats wrong? Can i check some additional logs?
I can see that the ubuntu server is executing the script in /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log 2886:20210520:101218.820 Executing command '/opt/monitoring/os-report/ package' 2884:20210520:101219.912 Executing command '/opt/monitoring/os-report/ version' 2885:20210520:102217.795 Executing command '/opt/monitoring/os-report/ os'
The connection to zabbix and seems to work:
./ (output omitted)
INFO:ZTC:Connected to Zabbix API v.5.0.10
INFO:ZTC:Received from Zabbix 2 hosts for processing
INFO:ZTC:Receiving extended data about hosts from Zabbix
INFO:ZTC:[1 of 2] "host1". Successfully received extended data
INFO:ZTC:[2 of 2] "Zabbix server". Successfully received extended data
INFO:ZTC:Processed hosts: 2.
INFO:ZTC:Checking data from Zabbix
INFO:ZTC:After checking data from Zabbix, there are 2 entries left. Removed 0
INFO:ZTC:Receiving the vulnerabilities from Vulners
INFO:ZTC:[1 of 2] "host1". Successfully received data from Vulners
INFO:ZTC:[2 of 2] "Zabbix server". Successfully received data from Vulners
INFO:ZTC:Processed hosts: 2
INFO:ZTC:Exclude invalid response data from Vulners
INFO:ZTC:There are 2 entries left. Removed: 0
INFO:ZTC:Сreating an additional field in the host-matrix based on data from Vulners
INFO:ZTC:[1 of 2] "host1". Successfully processed
INFO:ZTC:[2 of 2] "Zabbix server". Successfully processed
INFO:ZTC:Processed hosts: 2
INFO:ZTC:Сreating an LLD-data: CVSS-Scores and Cumulative-Fix commands
INFO:ZTC:Creating a matrix of vulnerable packages of all hosts
INFO:ZTC:[1 of 2] "host1". No vulnerable packages found
INFO:ZTC:[2 of 2] "Zabbix server". No vulnerable packages found
INFO:ZTC:Processed hosts: 2
INFO:ZTC:Unique vulnerable packages processed: 0
INFO:ZTC:Сreating an LLD-data for package monitoring
INFO:ZTC:Creating an bulletin-matrix
INFO:ZTC:[1 of 2] "host1". No security bulletins found
INFO:ZTC:[2 of 2] "Zabbix server". No security bulletins found
INFO:ZTC:Processed hosts: 2
INFO:ZTC:Unique security bulletins processed: 0
INFO:ZTC:Сreating an LLD-data for bulletin monitoring
INFO:ZTC:Сreating an CVSS Score-based host-lists
INFO:ZTC:Сreating an aggregated data
INFO:ZTC:Pushing LLD-objects to Zabbix: zabbix_sender -z -p 10051 -i /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/lld.zbx
INFO:ZTC:Response from "": "processed: 3; failed: 0; total: 3; seconds spent: 0.000150"
sent: 3; skipped: 0; total: 3
Zabbix updated to version 5.2 <- issue still persists.