zabbix-threat-control copied to clipboard
problem with
Hello, please help I have tried on zabbix 5.2 and on zabbix 4.0. when i do /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -uvtda i always have the same mistake
Can't create host vulners.hosts. Exception: ('Error -32602: Invalid params., Invalid parameter "/1": unexpected parameter "hostid".', -32602)
Have a look on #48 , works well with this patch
similar problem with zabbix 5.4:
Checking the connection to the zabbix-server via zabbix_sender... Сompleted successfully. For connecting with zabbix-server used address "localhost"
Host group "Vulners" already exists (id: 20). Use this group. Can't create host vulners.hosts. Exception: ('Error -32601: Method not found., Incorrect API "application".', -32601)
If I go further giving the optional keys separately I get another issues:
Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/", line 387, in <module>
{'type': '3', 'name': 'hostids', 'value': bulls_id}]},
NameError: name 'bulls_id' is not defined
BTW: if you run with separate key (- v, -t, -d) It creates vhosts group, host, and even template but breaks on creating the Dashboard and then on creating an action. (-a)
nope, always the same, i've try with the patch but don't resolve the problem
**root@server**~# /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -uvtda
Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.3
Checking the connection to the zabbix-agent...
Сompleted successfully. For connecting with zabbix-agent used address ""
Checking the connection to the zabbix-server via zabbix_sender...
Сompleted successfully. For connecting with zabbix-server used address "localhost"
Host group "Vulners" already exists (id: 20). Use this group.
Host "Vulners - Hosts" (id: 10365) was renamed to "Vulners - Hosts.bkp-2021-07-30_09-21-50" and deactivated.
Can't create host vulners.hosts. Exception: ('Error -32601: Method not found., Incorrect API "application".', -32601)
**root@server**:~# /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -u
Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.3
Checking the connection to the zabbix-agent...
Сompleted successfully. For connecting with zabbix-agent used address ""
Checking the connection to the zabbix-server via zabbix_sender...
Сompleted successfully. For connecting with zabbix-server used address "localhost"
**root@server~**# /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -v
Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.3
Host group "Vulners" already exists (id: 20). Use this group.
Host "Vulners - Hosts" (id: 10366) was renamed to "Vulners - Hosts.bkp-2021-07-30_09-22-04" and deactivated.
Can't create host vulners.hosts. Exception: ('Error -32601: Method not found., Incorrect API "application".', -32601)
root@server:~# /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -t
Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.3
Can't create template "Template Vulners OS-Report". Exception: ('Error -32601: Method not found., Incorrect API "application".', -32601)
root@Mr-Wolf:~# /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -a
Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/", line 365, in <module>
{'conditiontype': 1, 'operator': 0, 'value': pkgs_id, 'value2': '',
NameError: name 'pkgs_id' is not defined
**root@server**:~# /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -d
Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/", line 387, in <module>
{'type': '3', 'name': 'hostids', 'value': bulls_id}]},
NameError: name 'bulls_id' is not defined
I too have this same issue, running zabbix 5.4.8
[azureadmin@localhost ~]$ sudo /opt/monitoring/zabbix-threat-control/ -uvtda Connected to Zabbix API v.5.4.8
Checking the connection to the zabbix-agent... ?ompleted successfully. For connecting with zabbix-agent used address ""
Checking the connection to the zabbix-server via zabbix_sender... ?ompleted successfully. For connecting with zabbix-server used address "localhost"
Host group "Vulners" already exists (id: 46). Use this group.
Can't create host vulners.hosts. Exception: ('Error -32602: Invalid params., Invalid parameter "/1/macros/1/value": a character string is expected.', -32602)
I'm having this same issue.
Can't create host vulners.hosts. Exception: ('Error -32602: Invalid params., Invalid parameter "/1/macros/1/value": a character string is expected.', -32602)