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Vue Storefront

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Vue Storefront 2 integration with Odoo

This project is a Odoo integration with Vue Storefront 2. This integration is being developed and maintained by ODOOGAP / PROMPTEQUATION ❤️

Check our demo server (it's a dev server so could be down sometimes)

How to start?

1. git clone https://github.com/vuestorefront-community/odoo
2. git submodule init
3. git submodule update # now you fetched the theme submodule from template-odoo
2. yarn install
3. yarn build # (optional) Verify if everything works properly by building all three projects
4. yarn dev
5. If you want to use your own Odoo server you will need to add the [odoo-addons](https://github.com/vuestorefront-community/odoo) repository to your server

Want to contribute? Ping us on odoo channel on our Discord or email us at info (at) odoogap.com!

Directory structure

  • packages/api-client - communicates with a backend;
  • packages/composables - exposes composable functions used to retrieve data using api-client and to map them to universal data formats using getters;
  • packages/theme - nuxt project that glues everything together. It extends our core theme and uses composables to retrieve data.



If you have any questions about this integration we will be happy to answer them on odoo channel on our Discord.




Dependency Odoo Modules

Contributors ✨









Diogo Duarte


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!