vuepress-plugin-mathjax copied to clipboard
fix vuepress-plugin-mathjax can not support '\begin{aligned}' problem
vuepress-plugin-mathjax with dependency 'mathjax3' can not support just like '\begin{aligned}' expression. I have tried to change the dependency into 'mathjax-full', and it worked fine. The chtml configure options need to add 'adaptive: false', to include the whole css file in mathjax.
@liuxieric123 很抱歉这么迟才回复你。
非常感谢你的 PR,但是我刚刚用 试了一下好像渲染不出字的样子。你能再确认一下它可以用吗?
@Shigma I tested it locally and it worked well. What I did: I reran tests and updated snapshots, then changed file to HTML, it worked as expected. Not quite sure what's the problem you had come across.