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Roadmap for Vue Material beta!
Roadmap for Vue Material beta!
As I told couple months ago, I am developing a new Vue Material from scratch, with better support, an easy way to integrate and way more reliable. And this new version is just around the corner. I received a lot of issues and complains regarding support for SSR, validation, integration with 3rd party libs and many others. So I after ~6 months on this bad boy, more than 500 files, ~28k loc and ~800 commits I now announce that the beta is coming!
The release strategy will be like this:
- The first beta will be released at the beginning of November, with all goodies and a closed API. At this moment the documentation will be pretty much done, but with some components delayed to next version.
- After that, a migration guide will be developed to make the transition between the old version.
- A cycle of beta versions will happen to solve the issues and small improvements until a stable arrives.
- The current repository will be replaced with new one. I will give a small support for the 0.7.5 version to solve important issues only.
- The stable version will be released with 1.0.0 number.
- I will solve the issues after the stable release while I focus on the next 1.1.0 version, with the components the didn't entered on 1.0
- Boilerplates, Nuxt template and further guides will be created
Key Features
- Automatic constrast ratio - YES! The theme factory will calculate the contrast between the background and text to give the correct black or white color.
- On demand themes! Create themes only for the components that you're really using
- Pre made theme colors
- Dynamic themes
- Easy to toggle features, like ripple, theming, locale values and more
- Better support for Vue Router, with autosync on navigation components
- Highly extensible and easy to create 3rd-party components
- Namespaced attributes
- ~30% lighter than 0.7.5
- New and Awesome on-demand components
- SSR Support
- Well-tested - WIP 100% coverage
- Easy i18n
- Minimalist and performant docs
1.0.0 roadmap
Core Stuff
- [X] Themes -
- [X] Deprecated theme component
- [X] Sass Based themes
- [X] Multiple themes
- [x] CSS Variables
- [ ] CSS-only themes
- [X] SSR Support -
- [X] Basic Support
- [X] MdAutocomplete -
- [X] MdApp -
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Reusable App Shell component
- [X] Integration with Toolbar, Drawer and Content
- [X] MdAvatar
- [X] MdBottomBar
- [X] Router integration -
- [X] Router Sync -
- [X] Symple way to trigger active item
- [X] Router integration -
- [X] MdButton
- [X] Router integration -
- [X] Router integration -
- [x] MdCard
- [x] Documentation
- [X] Better image handle
- [X] Expand action
- [X] MdCheckbox
- [X] Array -
- [X] Boolean
- [X] String
- [X] Array -
- [X] MdChips
- [X] Editable
- [X] Detelable
- [X] MdContent -
- [x] MdDatepicker -
- [x] Documentation
- [X] Month Selector
- [X] Year Selector
- [x] Disable Dates
- [ ] Locale aware
- [X] MdDialog
- [X] Alert
- [X] Confirm
- [X] Prompt
- [X] Custom
- [X] MdDivider
- [X] MdDrawer -
- [X] Documentation
- [x] Deprecate md-sidenav
- [X] Persistent -
- [X] Permanent -
- [X] Mini -
- [X] Card -
- [X] Clipped -
- [X] Left/Right
- [X] MdElevation -
- [X] Deprecate whiteframe component
- [X] Elevation classes
- [X] MdEmptyState -
- [X] MdField -
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Change md-input-container to md-field
- [X] Input/Textarea
- [X] Checkbox
- [X] Radio
- [X] Switch
- [X] File -
- [x] Select
- [X] MdIcon
- [X] MdLayout -
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Deprecate layout component
- [X] New flexbox/responsive/class-based grid
- [X] MdList -
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Router integration
- [X] Expansion
- [X] Input Controls
- [X] MdMenu -
- [X] MdProgress -
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Spinner
- [X] Bar
- [X] 0%/100% progress
- [X] Indeterminate state
- [X] MdRadio
- [ ] MdRipple -
- [ ] Documentation
- [X] New ripple
- [ ] Abstract component
- [ ] Performance improvements
- [X] MdSnackbar
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Themed Snackbar
- [X] MdSpeedDial -
- [X] Click Action
- [X] Multiple Effects
- [X] MdSteppers -
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Horizontal
- [X] Vertical
- [X] MdSubheader
- [X] MdSwitch
- [ ] MdTable -
- [ ] Documentation
- [X] Basic table
- [X] Sort
- [X] Fixed Header
- [ ] Inline Edit
- [ ] Dialog Edit
- [x] Selection
- [ ] Pagination
- [x] Alternate Header
- [X] MdTabs
- [X] Documentation
- [X] Router integration -
- [X] Router Sync -
- [X] Symple way to trigger active tab
- [X] MdToolbar -
- [X] MdTooltip
Docs pages
- [ ] Advanced
- [ ] Guide
- [ ] Extending Vue Material
- [ ] Third Party Components
- [X] About
- [X] Changelog
- [ ] Components summary
- [ ] Contribute
- [X] Getting Started
- [ ] Migration Guide
- [X] Static docs
- [X] Themes
- [X] Configuration
- [ ] Dynamic Themes
- [ ] UI Elements summary
** Components/Features marked with a NEW
label do not exists on the current version
** Components/Features marked with a NEW API
can introduce major breaking changes.
** Mostly of unchecked components are only demanding a new docs page.
I will point out those changes inside the migration guide.
Post 1.0.0
- Official Boilerplate
- Nuxt
- Simple
- Third Party Component
- Sample Apps
Core Stuff
- Feature toggle
- SSR Only logic
- A11y
- Better Keyboard Navigation
- Android vs iOS vs Web
- Touch Events
- Scrolling
- Optimized theme colors
- Vuelidate and Vee Validate integration
- Content Discovery
- Content Slider
- Timepicker
- Range picker
- Expansion Panels
- Grid
- Image
- Lazy Loading based on IntersectionObserver
- Loader
- Onboarding
- Rating Bar
- Search Bar
- Slider Input
- Split Screen
- ...
Vue Material 2 will be released with the new Material Design guidelines landed on Google I/O 2018. Stay tuned!
But man! I need the ___________
Have something in mind? Need a new components? Created something meaningful and think that this can fit inside the lib? Let's discuss? We have a Slack Channel and I'm online there almost everyday. Send me a message!
I want to help. What do you need?
Well. All kind of help are welcome. If you want to contribute with the project, just send me a message and I will tell what you can do. We recently created a Slack Channel to share ideas and to keep all the comunication in one place.
Awesome! I want to pay you a coffee!
Vue Material do not run under the umbrella of any company or something like that, and is an independent project created by me on spare time. It became one of the most used UI Libraries for Vue.js.
If you think that this project helped you or your company in some way, you can consider become a backer/sponsor on Patreon:
Woohoooooooo ⤴️ So, I want to translate new coming docs into Japanese!
@Yatima-Kagurazaka Ah yeah. That would be freaking awesome. The new docs will come with i18n support. I will translate to portuguese too.
I need to translate to Chinese too, But I barely speak English. Chinese then... Hahahaha Someone?
I can help you en_US -> pt_Br
yeah~ I am the one who can help to translate to Chinese :)
@Earlybug this will be awesome!!!
I can also help translate to French :)
I will change the documentation to have all strings inside i18n files and then I will open an issue on the experiments repository, with the progress of translations.
Hi, the projects is awesome, but why do you want deprecate theme component? It is easy to use, if it turn to SASS, it will be so difficult to use
@aokihu I'm not going to deprecate the theme component. There is some reasons why I changed this: The main changes was related to Performance, SSR Needs and Caching.
- SSR. Period.
- Dark themes
- Automatic contrast calculation
- The theme engine, inside Vue code, will remain the same. We will still have the
component andmd-theme
attributes. It is the same that we have today. - Another good thing with this new theme engine is the ability to generate themes for specific components only. Let's say that we want to use only Buttons, Icons and Tabs with a particular theme, but use another theme for all other components. Now we can. And it is simple!
- The initial parse of themes on the initial payload, especially if we declare multiples themes inside Javascript code, was REALLY expensive. An old implementation based on Angular Material 1. In my personal and unofficial benchmarks, I improved the initial load performance of the main documentation website by ~200 for the single home page theme and ~450% with multiple themes. I have tested with 3 themes. The performance for more themes would be even worse.
- All of those generated styles tags wasn't cached. So EVERY SINGLE TIME that a user opened the website the application will to the same thing to generate the styles. This is crazy.
- Now, there is a version for SCSS and Plain CSS, with CSS custom properties (AKA CSS Variables). For now it's almost finished, just waiting for all components to be done. Then I will create a build script to generate a CSS Version of this SCSS based theme engine.
- It's now easy to create and extend components for Vue Material. This will add a lot of good things, like the possibility of having Third-party Vue Material components. Maybe you'll need a component that Vue Material do not have. This will allow other developers (and you too) to create components that will integrate with Vue Material. That can have the core theme in it.
- It is way easier and faster to maintain and add new functionalities. And the compile time, for development environments, will be faster too.
- This allowed me to create pre-generated themes.
I hope this changed will bring way more fluidity to your projects. I will release a migration guide, with an extensive theme section. Let me know if you have any questions about this :D
Take a look at those issues, specially the #796: #996 #947 #912 #831
It is easy to generate themes with scss:
@import "~vue-material/theme/factory";
@include md-register-theme("default", (
primary: md-get-palette-color(blue, A200),
accent: md-get-palette-color(pink, 700)
@import "~vue-material/base/theme";
@import "~vue-material/components/MdButton/theme";
@import "~vue-material/components/MdIcon/theme";
@import "~vue-material/components/MdTabs/theme";
With css only is way easier!
:root {
--md-theme-default-primary: #448aff;
--md-theme-default-accent: #c2185b;
Hey, your method is better than MUSE-UI, that is too difficult to use, so I choose your's project to use
Great! Could you accelerate the release of 1.0.0 new version? I am waiting for the datetime picker. Further more, could I make the Chinese translation for you?
@isafesoft The new release will be available in November. First week. The Datepicker will be available, but the time picker will be delayed to 1.1.0. And YES! Of course you can help. That would be awesome!
How will it be the friction to change from 0.7.5 to 1.0.0? Many breaking changes on the API? I have an ongoing project with 0.7.5 and might be tempted to check 1.0.0 to use some better components.
@vjoao breaking changes will be only for components that are labeled NEW API
or NEW
I will release a migration guide comparing the components and features.
Super exciting!!!
Waw cool I needed so much the date component, can we already use the beta ?
How about translate to Indonesian too? xD
@GillesBodart It will be available in November.
@ryuhiro wow! Yes. Of course. That would be awesome!
Hey, @marcosmoura. Thanks for the update and the extraordinary efforts. I have one question. Do you think this version could include #260 ?
@akashdeep-singh Yes!!!
How can I upgrade to the latest version?
Regards! (sorry about my english)
It's not available yet. Soon! :D
We have a large social media application built on 0.7.5, very exciting news about 1.0 :) Very happy to help test in a migration from 0.7.5 -> 1.0
Hey @marcosmoura! Great project. would love helping with bringing the beta live. I'm going to start a project with vuematerial, will there be a big migration from 0.8.1 to 1.0?
All the components that have NEW
will need a manual effort to migrate. I will create a migration guide to help with that.
The md-theme, md-table, md-steppers, md-autocomplete and others we're created from scratch. This is due to old implementations of Vue Material and to take advantage of newest features from Vue.js
Let me know if you have any questions! :D
Release Date Announcement
Book it on your calendar. Vue Material 1.0 beta will be released in 13/11/2017.
I hope to be able to comply with this schedule, but if something goes wrong in the middle of the way, I'll let you know!