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mapState doesn't work with non namespaced module

Open Rolanddoda opened this issue 4 years ago • 7 comments



Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

In the reproduction link, there is a non namespaced module with has a count in it's state and a doubleCount in it's getters.

In the HelloWorld component I am trying to use vuex helpers to access the state and the getters like:


What is expected?

Since the module it's not namespaced I should be able to access the state and getters of the module with vuex helpers.

Both mapState and mapGetters should work fine.

What is actually happening?

However, only the mapGetters helper it's working.

In order to get the mapState to work I should do:

      count: state => state.myModule.count

However IMHO, the mapState should work with just a string since the module in the end it's merged with the global store.

Rolanddoda avatar Aug 04 '19 07:08 Rolanddoda

Hi @Rolanddoda , only actions, mutations, and getters get registered in the global namespace, not module state. see

maeldur avatar Oct 06 '19 15:10 maeldur

@maeldur While technically you are correct, from user perspective it's the source of confusion.

I can map state of my namespaced modules like this:

 ...mapState('myNamespacedModule', ['pieceOfState'])

...while for not-namespaced modules I have to use object/arrow functions:

  pieceOfState: state => state.myNotNamespacedModule.pieceOfState

At the very least mapState() should throw an error, if an array of state variables is passed to it without a namespace. Right now, it just creates computed variables with undefined values and the user (me in my case) stares blankly at the screen for 15 minutes trying to figure out what they are doing wrong.

chromice avatar Oct 22 '19 13:10 chromice

Since state is not registered to the global scope, IMO mapState should accept the module name for non-namespaced state properties. It seems needlessly verbose when you're pulling multiple properties from the state from the same module.

    firstProp: state => state.myNotNamespacedModule.firstProp,
    secondProp: state => state.myNotNamespacedModule.secondProp,
    thirdProp: state => state.myNotNamespacedModule.thirdProp,
    fourthProp: state => state.myNotNamespacedModule.fourthProp


...mapState('myNamespacedModule', ['firstProp', 'secondProp', 'thirdProp', 'fourthProp'])

when the namespace property of the module doesn't otherwise effect the access to state.

I also agree that an error or warning should be thrown when trying to use the map helpers for nonexistent properties, instead of secretly creating empty ones.

StephenHogsten avatar Jan 05 '20 20:01 StephenHogsten

it took me nearly a day to figure this out. Why is this still not a thing? At the very least throw an error in the console that the state couldn't be found.

xorinzor avatar Oct 29 '20 20:10 xorinzor

I also just spent way too long trying to figure this out.

At the very least, could we get some documentation on this? Maybe a section here on "Binding State Without Namespace":

AdamGaskins avatar Mar 15 '21 19:03 AdamGaskins

Just ran into this again. The ONLY reason I found the solution was I remembered "oh yeah, there was some really un-intuitive syntax with vuex mapState, let me go find the GH issue and see if there's any updates on it.

bennyty avatar May 16 '22 22:05 bennyty

Still confusing what is written in the comments (e.g. @StephenHogsten).

What is working but not jet documented:

            a: state => state.<name-of-namespaced-store>.a,
            b: state => state.b, // state of a non-namespaced store

nise avatar Sep 29 '23 12:09 nise