vue-class-component copied to clipboard
init data by access props is undefinded
code example:
<span>{{ test }}-{{ local }}</span>
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
@Prop({default: ()=>({aaa: 456})}) msg;
local = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.msg));
get test() {
this code is works in lower version. recent days,i want to upgrade my dependencies, but get problems with this code.
I've also run into this issue when updating to the latest versions. It seems to be related with dev-deps, because when we left that untouched, it works just fine. We're still trying to figure this one out and see which dep causes this behavior.
Just had this issue. Downgrading to TypeScript 4.2.4 fixed it.
Does anyone has a workaround for this that does not involve downgrading Typescript? We can't downgrade our typescript version and we haven't found a way to solve this issue.
I decide rewrite all class component using composition api
Added in tsconfig.json, now its working fine for me
"useDefineForClassFields": false,
tested on typescript v. 4.7.4
Added in tsconfig.json, now its working fine for me
"useDefineForClassFields": false,
tested on typescript v. 4.7.4
@farazshuja really appreciate your comment help me fixing my legacy project! For someone else meet this problem, here is the typescript 4.3 breaking change.
I'm not sure but it seems that putting the props definition after the data definition also work for me. Can anyone confirm or explain why ? Sorry I'm not typescript fluent.
<span>{{ test }}-{{ local }}</span>
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
/* data first */
local = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.msg));
@Prop({default: ()=>({aaa: 456})}) msg;
get test() {