language-tools copied to clipboard
新版vscode导致less deep语法解析奔溃
上图为最新版vscode v1.87,包括vscode.dev在线版本也是一样。 降级到v1.85就显示正常了,如下图。 Vue Language Features (Volar) vv1.8.27
具体说是从vscode v1.86 开始的,v1.85就没有这个问题。 虽然表面上只是语法解析失败了,但是保存文件的时候会跳动,默认展开了所有代码。
@so1ve 麻烦帮忙看一下,在线的 直接就可以复现问题。
What kind of crash?
What kind of crash?
Please look at the tag in the first picture. The color is abnormal.
Once this problem occurs, when I save the file, vscode will automatically expand all codes, causing my cursor position to change.
Could you please explain expand
If I'm currently editing line 10 of code, the cursor may appear on any line when I save. Because vscode expanded all my folded code.
Have the same problem. Deep grammar color highlight error. It will influence all below it. When i write style tag at top use :deep() function, all my code highlight error.
Right highlight
Error highlight
1.86 vsc 把 less grammar 换了,不知道怎么搞的。。
临时解决方案是安装一个另外的 less 高亮插件(或者自己替换),覆盖内置的 grammar 我找了一个 language-less 你也可以看看有没有别的可用的