eslint-plugin-vue copied to clipboard
`vue/order-in-components` is not working with `defineNuxtComponent()`
- [x] I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
- [x] I have read the FAQ and my problem is not listed.
Tell us about your environment
- ESLint version: 8.28.0
- eslint-plugin-vue version: 9.8.0
- Node version: 16.18.1
- Operating System: MacOs 12.4 (21F79)
Please show your full configuration:
module.exports = {
root: true,
extends: ['@antfu', 'plugin:tailwindcss/recommended'],
plugins: [
rules: {
'vue/component-tags-order': ['error', {
order: ['template', 'script', 'style'],
'camelcase': ['warn'],
'import/newline-after-import': ['warn'],
'no-unused-vars': ['warn'],
'vue/no-unused-vars': ['warn'],
'vue/new-line-between-multi-line-property': ['warn', { minLineOfMultilineProperty: 3 }],
'tailwindcss/classnames-order': 'warn',
'tailwindcss/no-custom-classname': 0,
'tailwindcss/no-contradicting-classname': 'error',
'vue/order-in-components': ['warn', {
order: [
['delimiters', 'comments'],
['components', 'directives', 'filters'],
['provide', 'inject'],
['props', 'propsData'],
['template', 'render'],
'@typescript-eslint/space-before-function-paren': ['error', 'always'],
'@typescript-eslint/brace-style': ['error', '1tbs', { allowSingleLine: true }],
'vue/quote-props': ['error', 'as-needed'],
'curly': ['error', 'all'],
'no-sequences': 0,
'max-statements-per-line': ['error', { max: 2 }],
What did you do?
<script lang="ts">
import VueJsonPretty from 'vue-json-pretty'
import { mapState } from 'pinia'
import { defineNuxtComponent } from '#imports'
import 'vue-json-pretty/lib/styles.css'
import { useOrderStore } from '~/stores/order'
import { useAuthStore } from '~/stores/auth'
export default defineNuxtComponent({
components: { VueJsonPretty },
computed: {
...mapState(useAuthStore, ['user']),
...mapState(useOrderStore, { order: 'data' }),
data: () => ({
tab: 'details',
tabs: {
details: {
title: 'Details',
receipt: {
title: 'Receipt',
head () {
return {
title: 'Receipt',
What did you expect to happen?
It should show warning on line data: () => ({
It shows it if I replace defineNuxtComponent
with defineComponent
"ESLint: The "data" property should be above the "computed" property on line 22.(vue/order-in-components)"
What actually happened?
No warning.
Repository to reproduce this issue
run yarn lint
in console
What is defineNuxtComponent? Could you please explain? Also, please share a repository that can reproduce your issue.
@ota-meshi defineNuxtComponent is a Nuxt 3 wrapper for defineComponent, here is reproduction run yarn lint
in console
The documentation doesn't mention import { defineNuxtComponent } from '#imports'
. What is it?
Why can't you use defineComponent instead of defineNuxtComponent?
@ota-meshi This import is optional, I prefer more explicit imports.
actually, the problem maybe caused by
...mapState(useAuthStore, ['user']),
...mapState(useOrderStore, { order: 'data' }),
removed it and fix will work fine