devtools copied to clipboard
Browser and OS info
chrome 99 / ubuntu 20.04
Steps to reproduce
page load, or any click
What is expected?
no error
What is actually happening?
VM11550:1 RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at cloneObjectDeep (backend.js:8902:25) at cloneDeep (backend.js:8893:14) at cloneObjectDeep (backend.js:8909:18) at cloneDeep (backend.js:8893:14) at cloneArrayDeep (backend.js:8919:14) at cloneDeep (backend.js:8895:14) at cloneObjectDeep (backend.js:8909:18) at cloneDeep (backend.js:8893:14) at cloneObjectDeep (backend.js:8909:18) at cloneDeep (backend.js:8893:14)
Please release an update from the previous version where there is an option to disable automatic updates. It drives me crazy that I put the previous version up but it automatically updates. The new one is not completely unusable, and it's very nice and everything, but it has a lot of bugs. Disturbingly so. I'd like to use the older, more stable version. What can I do to do this?
Read the docs?
I had the same problem at "cloneDeep", because of the devtools copying a doubly linked list
This is occurring because 'clone-deep' can't handle circular references. Is there a reason why the lodash cloneDeep wouldn't work here?