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Vue.js devtools looks like will cause firefox's debug issue

Open windsonR opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments



Browser and OS info

Firefox 98.0.1 / MacOS 12.3

Steps to reproduce

  1. use yarn create vite my-vue-app --template vue create a vite/vue project
  2. modify src/main.js , add a debugger before createApp...
  3. run vite
  4. in firefox, open DevTools(already installed Vue.js DevTool), and open 'localhost:3000'
  5. now FireFox DevTools will occured debugger breakpoint. then press F10 to step over. it looks like very strange.
  6. disable Vue.js DevTool and repeat step 4/5, it is normal to debug .

What is expected?

when enable Vue.js DevTool,the firefox debug works fine.

What is actually happening?

when enable Vue.js DevTool, the firefox debug not working properly.

windsonR avatar Mar 18 '22 05:03 windsonR