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No documentation on how to use custom tokens with directive
I could not find how to use custom tokens with the directive.
Edit: Watching how its done in the component I figured it out, but adding it to the documentation could save time to others in the future.
You just need to pass an object to the v-mask
<input type="tel" v-mask="{mask: '+7 (F##) ###-##-##', tokens: hexTokens}" v-model="phone"/>
You could also define it as an object
data () {
customMask: {
mask: '+7 (F##) ###-##-##',
'F': {
pattern: /(?!8)\d/
'#': {pattern: /\d/}
<input type="tel" v-mask="customMask" v-model="phone"/>
If you need to use a existing token, is required to pass again with your custom tokens.
I spent a lot of time until reach here. Despite this project is widely be used, it should be merged and have a proper attention.
Anyway, @Vlaoff or @ankology . Can you show me a more detailed example how did you done? I'm using ES5 and didn't manage to make custom mask work. I need letters to be uppercased when typed.
var app = new Vue({
el: "#my_application",
data: {
customTokens: {
mask: 'CCCCC',
tokens: {
'C': {
pattern: /[0-9a-zA-Z]/,
transform: function(v) {
return v.toLocaleUpperCase();
<input v-mask="customTokens" v-model="license_plate"/>
I didn't run the code, @marcosrocha85 but your input is type="tel" maybe is it the issue? The rest looks ok.
Thank you for your reply. Actually the type="tel" was a typo. But I solved by doing 'AAA-#X##' at v-mask property and converting to UpperCase at server so I can type ABC-1234 and ABC-1T34 which are two possible license plates of Southern Common Market.
@marcosrocha85 but this example doesn't work :D
@vlad909 It was my attempt and stuck at that kind of "code". Anyway, thank you guys for your attention.
I had same problem as you. Needed to add custom regexp. So here is my solution for custom tokens:
I first added just one token and it was like:
data() {
return {
customTokens: {
'Y': {pattern: /[0-9]/}
But it owerrites the-mask tokens, so i needed to add to ":tokens" all tokens that i want to use (just copied from source code all tokens).
I spent a lot of time until reach here. Despite this project is widely be used, it should be merged and have a proper attention.
Anyway, @Vlaoff or @ankology . Can you show me a more detailed example how did you done? I'm using ES5 and didn't manage to make custom mask work. I need letters to be uppercased when typed.
var app = new Vue({ el: "#my_application", data: { customTokens: { mask: 'CCCCC', tokens: { 'C': { pattern: /[0-9a-zA-Z]/, transform: function(v) { return v.toLocaleUpperCase(); } } } }, } });
<input v-mask="customTokens" v-model="license_plate"/>
It is run with this code