v-money copied to clipboard
Can't programmatically change the value with Vuetify
When using with Vuetify, I can't reset the model value
I'll check it.
same issue
I'm having the same problem.
I put v-money inside another component. When I try to programmatically change the value on the v-model of the parent component, the v-money keeps the old value.
[FIXED] I was using a this.$nextTick without need to change the child component value.
Same here. Any update?
Same here...
the problem is with v-text-field, with input works good
Same here... but I'm using ElementUI (element.eleme.io)
While there is no solution, pure Javascript can be used to set the input value and then create an 'Input' event, which is the event that the 'v-model' directive listens to:
domInputElement.value = newValue;
domInputElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
We are currently in the process of updating all form components for v1.1. If you can fix the codepen to produce the issue, I can verify it against our latest work.
@johnleider What do you mean "If you can fix the codepen to produce the issue"? The original codepen (https://codepen.io/talski/pen/MOxZXX?editors=1011) produces the issue and doesn't log any console errors. I have a slight variant of the original code pen that uses an array of prices instead of a single price: https://codepen.io/paulpv/pen/oqMeXd
I must of been looking at something incorrectly, thanks @paulpv
@johnleider NP; I am certain you are busy!
I saw a workaround somewhere and the same solution works to Vuetify
I made a directive based on v-money that works with Vuetify (v-text-field) and normal inputs. Note: I made it to work with Brazilian Real (R$) but you can change in the code.
in my e2e tests with selenium / chromedriver I saw the same issue. With nightwatch and gebish. The new value gets appended to the old one.
This plugin breaks reactivity of inputs after adding the v-money parameter. I'm using v-model binded to vuex state.
doesn't work on components, you have to listen to @change
yourself: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/BqmBjb?editors=1010
Edit: the mask then breaks after resetting the input, so there's still a bug somewhere
Just one more option : https://www.npmjs.com/package/v-currency-field
I'm having the same problem.
I put v-money inside another component. When I try to programmatically change the value on the v-model of the parent component, the v-money keeps the old value.
[FIXED] I was using a this.$nextTick without need to change the child component value.
Can you show how to use a this.$nextTick to change v-money value?
Any update on this?
Edit: For NightwatchJS this seems to be a good approach: https://github.com/nightwatchjs/nightwatch/issues/1132#issuecomment-340257894
same here
@kevinfaguiar Your solution work for me I'm using v-money and vuetify
workaround solution https://gist.github.com/RodrigoFraga/49cf179c3fdf5c6f775450b613137bd3
Same problem with bootstrap-vue when i try to extend Money. If i try to set the value programatically then it is restored to previous value.
<v-text-field maxlength="10" v-money="money" ref="productPrice" label="Product price" v-model="productPrice"></v-text-field>
const input = this.$refs.productPrice.$el.querySelector("input");
= "new value";`
this works for me
I can't reset for native input also. https://jsfiddle.net/nj3cLoum/2/
hey, Unfortunately I don't think support will come soon. This repo seems to be abandoned! I decided to upgrade this package to be used with Vue3.
Welcome v-money3
I'm interested to maintain v-money3
for vue 3 and beyond. Feel free to open this same issue there if you are planning to upgrade your project.
I did a watch using the @ElizeuBraga solution and it's working very well:
editedItem() {
let input = this.$refs.valormascarado.$el.querySelector("input");
input.value = this.editedItem.valor;