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Results 103 webpack issues
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If I understand correctly the *.env.js files under config/ include each other via webpack-merge in this order: test.env.js => dev.env.js => prod.env.js This would mean, that the test actually use...

I used vue-webpack to start a new project for which I am importing an old project into. In the past I used `require` to load a component, which was nice...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6647633/44901422-e7e3b080-ad39-11e8-876f-3a0c64a830cc.png) > \# Run npm install --save-dev [email protected] to resolve 1 vulnerability SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change https://github.com/webpack-contrib/url-loader/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#060-2017-10-03

Entry points is: "src/main.js" Placing bootstrap-vue imports here: ``` import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue' import Vue from 'vue' Vue.use(BootstrapVue) ``` Then in my other component's template, i'm trying to use bootstrap-vue's...

is there a config file i can put in some configurations that will be ignored by git and will overwrite any of the other shared config files. As i have...

### Version 2.4.2 ### Reproduction link [https://github.com/Splode/lww-test](https://github.com/Splode/lww-test) ### Steps to reproduce 1. In CLI, `npm run build` ### What is expected? Expected a Vue build without errors. ### What is...

help wanted

this.$http({ // url: 'http://yapi.demo.qunar.com/mock/15066/cailiaosystem/departmentcreate',、 url: '/api/cailiaosystem/create', method: 'post', data: { code: this.code, name: this.name, desc: this.desc } }) proxyTable: { '/api': { target: 'http://yapi.demo.qunar.com/mock/15066', changeOrigin: true, pathRewrite:{ '^/api': '' }...

change template default path, it causes an error same as #310

Remove all files in `assetsRoot` folder is better and easy to understand?

Recently I migrated from Mocha to Jest. The process was not too hard, but the configurations are. I am fighting with manually configurations.. but something is missing, need little help....