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A full-featured Browserify + vueify setup with hot-reload, linting & unit testing.

Results 13 browserify issues
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Removed filter for e2e tests **Reasons** - Consistency. - Template does not include e2e tests, at this time. - Eliminates the need to filter for inexistent directories should we ever...

I tried all approach like `require('quill/dist/quill.snow.css')` `import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css'` but none works. how do I import css files from node_modules directory

Rename Hello component to HelloWorld Self-closing components

How to make it work in a Cloud9 environment? "serve": "http-server -o -c 1 -a $IP"

If I do a: `vue init browserify blah` and then: ``` cd blah npm i npm run dev ``` I get a blank white screen on the browser. This is...

is there any way to enable coffee script with this? it gives error `'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level`

It's a clean install, changes won't show at until manual reload. Only error a get it's on browser: ![image](

Having the following error with npm run test ``` ERROR [phantomjs.launcher]: SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: "COM error 0x80070005 (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff80070005)" ``` According to this thread [14095](, the fix is to launch...

Is there any reason to let the index.html outside the dist folder after the build? I'm coming from yeoman where everything resides there and this seems a little strange to...

When trying to mock a dependency as per [this example]( which is referenced in the test I get an error: ``` sh { [SyntaxError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only...

help wanted