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Dispatch not being fired from component
I am having an issue with attempting to dispatch an action within a component. It seems that the dispatch is not being received by the store action.
However, if I change the setter to use this.$store.originalDispatch() it works fine.
It appears that notifyMain in shared-mutations.js is not working. What am I missing here?
(FYI: I am using Nuxt, so access to the store is via this.$store.)
In my template I have:
label="Sample store test"
hint="Is it working???"
The setter and getter I have defined as:
computed: {
sample: {
get: function() {
return this.$store.state.sample;
set: function(val) {
this.$store.dispatch("updateSample", { value: val });
The updateSample never gets fired in my store:
state: {
sample: 'Hey there!'
plugins: [ createPersistedState(), createSharedMutations() ],
getters: {},
mutations: {
setSample(state, val) {
state.sample = val;
actions: {
updateSample(store, payload) {
store.commit('setSample', payload.value);
I think I ran into this issue before
Did you make sure to
import store from '../renderer/store'
inside your electron index.js (the one where the createWindow function and auto updater is) I'm not sure why this required in the build even if the variable is unused but I haven't had time to figure it out
Confused about this. I had the exact same issue as @BlackConure and it adding
import store from '../renderer/store'
as mentioned by @Stormtv to the src/main/index.js fixed the issue for me. Dispatching to store is now working.
Thank you
Why would you need to import the store but not reference it anywhere? In Nuxt, the store is in this.$store. By doing an import and having it work seems to suggest that somewhere down the line it is referencing instead of (?)
@daniel-farina I am using Nuxt which doesn't use src/main/index.js and doesn't have '../renderer/store'. Store in Nuxt is added via /store/index.js file. My code is more like this:
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import { createPersistedState, createSharedMutations } from 'vuex-electron';
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {},
plugins: [ createPersistedState(), createSharedMutations() ],
mutations: {},
actions: {},
strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
For now, I am using originalDispatch() until this can get addressed.
@SGarno you need to create an instance of the store in all your processes (main and renderer), so they could communicate with each other.
I am still facing this issue, I have even imported vuex store in the component itself.
UPDATE: This comment fixes the problem.
The solution of this problem is already mentioned in the
We need to import store in the main/index.js
file only if we want to use createSharedMutations
plugin. Otherwise we don't have to do it.