3d-photo-inpainting copied to clipboard
cuda runtime error
running on device 0
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Current Source ==> moon
Running depth extraction at 1646976096.6373248
device: cuda
Namespace(Final=True, R0=False, R20=False, colorize_results=False, data_dir='inputs/', depthNet=0, max_res=inf, net_receptive_field_size=None, output_dir='outputs', output_resolution=1, pix2pixsize=1024, savepatchs=0, savewholeest=0)
----------------- Options ---------------
Final: True [default: False]
R0: False
R20: False
aspect_ratio: 1.0
batch_size: 1
checkpoints_dir: ./pix2pix/checkpoints
colorize_results: False
crop_size: 672
data_dir: inputs/ [default: None]
dataroot: None
dataset_mode: depthmerge
depthNet: 0 [default: None]
direction: AtoB
display_winsize: 256
epoch: latest
eval: False
generatevideo: None
gpu_ids: 0
init_gain: 0.02
init_type: normal
input_nc: 2
isTrain: False [default: None]
load_iter: 0 [default: 0]
load_size: 672
max_dataset_size: 10000
max_res: inf
model: pix2pix4depth
n_layers_D: 3
name: void
ndf: 64
netD: basic
netG: unet_1024
net_receptive_field_size: None
ngf: 64
no_dropout: False
no_flip: False
norm: none
num_test: 50
num_threads: 4
output_dir: outputs [default: None]
output_nc: 1
output_resolution: None
phase: test
pix2pixsize: None
preprocess: resize_and_crop
savecrops: None
savewholeest: None
serial_batches: False
verbose: False
----------------- End -------------------
initialize network with normal
loading the model from ./pix2pix/checkpoints/mergemodel/latest_net_G.pth
Loading weights: midas/model.pt
Using cache found in /home/w/.cache/torch/hub/facebookresearch_WSL-Images_main
start processing
processing image 0 : moon
wholeImage being processed in : 2112
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 580, in
try to change gpu_ids: 0 to -1
try to change gpu_ids: 0 to -1
from .yml
Hi there! I bump into the same issue while using Colab and GPU to run this. May I know if your issue got resolved?
Same issue. Running on ubuntu on ec2 with nvidia t4 gpu.
Changing value of gpu_ids from 0 to -1 in argument.yml does not work for me.
Works fine on colab with older cuda setup.