Results 88 comments of Ruslan Dudin

> So, I just updated to latest version (4.9) and apart from Yoroi requiring new permissions (read and modify data on all websites? Why is that needed?), ti is still...

> @vsubhuman with respect, this an unacceptable required permission for this sort of app. Will you be making these [optional]( I will not be enabling or accepting the permission changes...

> > So, I just updated to latest version (4.9) and apart from Yoroi requiring new permissions (read and modify data on all websites? Why is that needed?), ti is...

Hi, @shroomist , provide full example of the sequence of calls to the builder please, so we can try to reproduce

> Issue boils down to that I'm able to mint with some utxos and unable with some other. @shroomist , the critical question there is what is the value of...

> I have run into the same issue trying to send an asset. > > Here is two UTXOs on the testnet I'm having the problem with: "73a0cdfde20a2482164821ee765977444ed47bc7acf25cb77809b200c90ee295#0" "e5eb46c4c72fb84c443a03be5be48dca2740a77015b30c4c633fb0755f31f73f#0" >...

Related info:

Although it would definitely weird in the case of the "73a0cdfde20a2482164821ee765977444ed47bc7acf25cb77809b200c90ee295#0" utxo being present in the inputs, as I see it contains 1000 tADA in it. @bakon11 , can you...

> Again I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly anyways but the TX does succeed, just trying to piece together from what I find around one forums. @bakon11 ,...

> UTxO Balance Insufficient @mailtodanish , not enough utxo to cover all the output amount