acestream-service copied to clipboard
search request failed
I'm still trying to understand how this works, so when I run:
$ curl
I get an a 'search request failed':
2023-05-13 23:08:14,776|Thread-498|acestream.webui|unexpected error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ACEStream/WebUI/", line 4514, in handle_media_server_api_request
File "core/src/search/Manager.pyx", line 254, in
File "core/src/search/Manager.pyx", line 228, in
ACEStream.Core.errors.SearchRequestNetworkError: search request failed
also this keeps popping up:
TrafficStatsSenderThread|acestream.TrafficStatsSender|init: error: <urlopen error failed to connect>
any idea how to solve this errors? thanks
docker run --restart always --name=acestream-service --env=SCHEME=http --env=ENTRY=8088 --publish=8088:80 --detach vstavrinov/acestream-service
curl http://localhost:8088/search.m3u?query=CNN
#EXTINF:-1,1. CNN Indonesia [ tv; informational ] 2023-05-14 00:49:02 a=1
#EXTINF:-1,2. CNN INDONESIA HD [ tv; informational ] 2023-05-14 00:49:02 a=1