Vitalie Spinu

Results 82 issues of Vitalie Spinu

Currently all user errors are swallowed by try blocks in `r_list`: ``` > r_data_frame(10, + id = sample(NULL, 10), + answer()) Error in sample(NULL, 10, n = 10) (from r_list.R#71)...

### Issue Description and Expected Result I think the implementation of `xml_ns` is non-intuitive. When called on a node `xml_ns` retrieves all namespacess of the root document. What I think...

breaking change :skull_and_crossbones:

``` r library(lubridate, warn.conflicts = F) fmt [1] 0 ``` Created on 2019-12-03 by the [reprex package]( (v0.3.0) Originally reported in #786

parser :carrot:

``` r library(lubridate, warn.conflicts = FALSE) stamp("february 14, 2004")(ymd_hms("2012-08-13 11:37:53")) #> Multiple formats matched: "%Om %d, %y%H"(1), "%Om %y, %d%H"(1), "february %y, %d%Om"(1), "%Om %d, %Y"(1), "february %d, %y%Om"(1), "%B...

parser :carrot:

Beginner R users often pass date-time objects to parsing functions like `ymd_hms`. This is very inefficient and can cause unexpected behavior (for example `ymd_hm` would not parse a full date)....

parser :carrot:

Tested on two linux machines (rehel and ubuntu) with R3.1.1. ``` > library(BreakoutDetection) > breakout(, 1000), exact = F) *** caught segfault *** address 0xfffffffc039ffa30, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback:...

Would be nice to be able to modify trees with selectors. Something like ``` clj (hs/remove selector-fn hickory-tree) ``` This is more general than #28.

type: feature request
category: ergonomics

I have asked for this in #23 but I am afraid `has-child` doesn't cut it, so I am re-iterating it as a separate issue. I would like to be able...

type: feature request
category: ergonomics

Fix #753, Fix #655, Fix #746 I am using checking length to see if `[]