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Show reference translation alongside source text
It could be nice to be able to use one or more reference translations as a baseline for further translation work.
For example while making a translation for Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) the Norwegian Bokmål (nb) translation could work as a reference translation. Those two forms (variants) of Norwegian is so close that it is way faster to fix strings from the other form than writing the string from scratch.
(Norwegian (no) is the macro code, but often abused for the Norwegian Bokmål (nb) variant, to much grief for people using the Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) variant.)
Given the present GUI of poedit, I guess would add such reference translations in the right column under "Proposals", but mark them with the original language and variant code.
When pasting proposals in other languages it would be nice to have them machine translated. In particular it would be nice to use Apertium (a shallow rule-based translation engine) for closely related languages. There are already a translate extension for Gedit, perhaps that can be modded for use in poedit.
Mostly-duplicate of #449, #688.
The suggestion to put this sort of reference in sidebar is an interesting one, thanks.
Yeah, I looked at those two, but found the proposals limited and a bit off.
The idea of loading a reference language is amazing but I think that an additional left sub pane would lead to a more effective workflow when translating (compared to the sidebar alternative). Thought shown in red below.
I think this would be a killer feature currently not offered by any of the alternatives and IMO a feature that is well worth unlocking with the paid version only.
Unfortunately I am not versed in C++ so cannot contribute myself but I would consider paying a bounty to get this feature in. Open to all suggestions to make this happen.
The idea of loading a reference language is amazing but I think that an additional left sub pane would lead to a more effective workflow when translating (compared to the sidebar alternative). Thought shown in red below.
@bravo-kernel For the use case you show, where the source text is just symbolic ID and not proper text, both are just stop-gap measues (and the real good solution being to just have "Source text" replaced with the reference and show the ID as secondary information).
But the UI you propose is indeed better for the use case that @jeblad describes, i.e. when you need a similar language for reference. I like that.
(except poeditor .com)
Let's not link that name-squatter here...
Thanks for responding and considering 👍
ps: you are correct, I have since dropped using IDs and have switched to natural language. Much better workflow.
(and the real good solution being to just have "Source text" replaced with the reference and show the ID as secondary information)
This is something Poedit 3.4 implements now: https://poedit.net/news/poedit-3.3-json/
@vslavik awesome, much appreciated ❤