webrtcbuilds icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
webrtcbuilds copied to clipboard

depot-tool bug

Open zacaikido opened this issue 6 years ago • 1 comments

When I try to build via ./build.sh

I get :

Associated revision number: 22040 Checking out WebRTC revision (this will take awhile): 00733015fafbbc61ddc12dfdc88b21a9fcd9d122 File "/Users/wolfgang/Downloads/webrtcbuilds-master/depot_tools/fetch.py", line 65 print 'Running: %s' % (' '.join(pipes.quote(x) for x in cmd)) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I tried to delete the line but it is back each time the build process run. Anybody got some idea to fix it?

zacaikido avatar Feb 15 '18 20:02 zacaikido

Hi, sure, could you maybe try to remove the depot_tools directory entirely to allow the script to do a fresh clone of depot_tools on the next try. i.e. rm -rf depot_tools

vsimon avatar Feb 16 '18 02:02 vsimon