flash-debugger icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flash-debugger copied to clipboard

Flash debugger doesn't stop well

Open ncannasse opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Testing with heaps/samples/base2D:

Scenario 1:

  • flash debugger successfully launchs with F5
  • closing the window doesn't stop debugging

Scenario 2:

  • flash debugger successfully launchs with F5
  • Shift-F5 does not close the flash player
  • closing the window manually
  • F5 no longer works, requires restarting VSCode

ncannasse avatar Jul 05 '18 09:07 ncannasse

It's actually quite a show stopper bug, prevents from using it more than once without restarting VSCode

ncannasse avatar Jul 05 '18 11:07 ncannasse

I actually can't seem to reproduce, closing the Flash Player window stops debugging as expected for me.

Gama11 avatar Jul 05 '18 12:07 Gama11