Vse Mozhe Buty

Results 43 comments of Vse Mozhe Buty

I would say the message is confusing because 1) `Expected` and `Found` is the same in this case and 2) the real cause of failure is not clear. Maybe it...

Sorry, I am a bit clumsy, as I've just started to learn the PEG. BTW, I've tried about dozen other parser generators (I am a newbie in this area) and...

It seems the `. (dot character)` expression also needs Unicode mode. Compare: ```js const string = '-🐎-👱-'; const symbols = (string.match(/./gu)); console.log(JSON.stringify(symbols, null, ' ')); const pegResult = require('pegjs/') .generate('root...

Does [`eslint-plugin-markdown`](https://github.com/eslint/eslint-plugin-markdown) still lint code blocks with `runkit` label?

> Does `eslint-plugin-markdown` still lint code blocks with `runkit` label? From my local tests, no. So we need to address this upstream with a proposal for `eslint-plugin-markdown` or find another...

It is new commit linting in action: ``` ✖ 4101442a07256c38bf05149efc862b61970e5a1b ✔ 0:0 skipping fixes-url fixes-url ✔ 0:0 blank line after title line-after-title ✔ 0:0 line-lengths are valid line-length ✖ 0:0...

CI-lite: https://ci.nodejs.org/job/node-test-pull-request-lite-pipeline/1228/

If you mean the status under this PR, this is often flaky. If you check CI itself, you can see it is OK: https://ci.nodejs.org/job/node-test-pull-request-lite-pipeline/1228/ https://ci.nodejs.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/node-test-pull-request-lite-pipeline/detail/node-test-pull-request-lite-pipeline/1228/pipeline

It seems ESLint will be updated soon on master: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23904