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Implement disease likelihood criteria from the inputs received in the questionnaire
We would like to evaluate the questionnaire data according to the criteria given in the linked flowcharts.
Hi there, I checked the two charts. We cover all questions in the questionnaire that are brought up in the zeit-chart. Using the anwers of the user, we can make assumptions wether the user is a person that might be infected or not.
Concerning the second chart, from RKI, this is specifically for doctors, how to handle a "Verdachtsfall" Those questions are too technical, or using to many words with medical background. I don't think those quesitions need to be considered for the questionnaire.
Thanks! I think the same about the two charts. So far as I can see, there is no question for the underlying condition of the respondent. Right?
A simplified decision making tool would look like this, depending on how the data is being processed and stored after the form is submitted.
#first pull existing totals of each category (Where are they being stored? - data backend can add their expertise here?): #Potential infections in the zip code (displaying symptons with travel history and/or contact with a confirmed COVID case, or result of test outstanding)= potentialinfection #Potential high risk infections in the zip code (Potential infections with age > 45 years): potentialhighriskinfection #Potential hospitalization infection in the zip code (Potential infections of all other adults greater than 30 years of age): potentialhospitalizedinfection #Infections other than COVID (when displaying the symptoms but has been tested negative for the test): otherinfection #Infections in the zip code (Tested positive for COVID): infection #Confirmed infection with advanced age: highriskinfection #Confirmed infection of other adults: hospitalizedinfection if (count(symptoms)>=1): if (notherstest>0) or (travelhistory == "Ja"): if (test == "Nein"): print ("You may be infected, please seek medical help immediately") potentialinfection+=1 #Labeled as potential infection and categorized as yellow if (age > 45): potentialhighriskinfection+=1 elif (30<age<45): potentialhospitalizedinfection+=1 elif (test == "Ergebnis ausstehend"): print ("Stay indoors and avoid contact with others in order to prevent further transmission") potentialinfection+=1 if (age > 50): potentialhighriskinfection+=1 elif (30<age<50): potentialhospitalizedinfection+=1 elif (test == "Negativ"): print ("Stay indoors and avoid contact with others in order to prevent further transmission") otherinfection+=1 elif (test == "Positiv"): print ("Avoid contact with others in order to prevent further transmission and seek medical help") infection+=1 if (age > 45): highriskinfection+=1 elif (30<age<45): hospitalizedinfection+=1 elif (count(symptoms)==0): if (notherstest>0) or (travelhistory == "Ja"): print ("You are advised to quarantine yourself for 14 days post your arrival in Germany and/or post your contact with the said COVID-19 confirmed case") potentialinfection+=1