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Suggestion: Longer (or more organized) note history
Hi! I have a suggestion that may actually be very difficult to implement and so might not be something you're interested in (as I realize that it's not necessarily what this plugin is meant to be good at), but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway and see if maybe other users are also interested in a feature like this.
The current way the file history is implemented, it keeps the last 100 revisions of a note. If you have your LiveSync set to sync with the server very frequently and you edit a note for a long time straight, though, this history doesn't actually span a very long amount of time, and usually will just contain all the changes from the last 30 minutes or so.
I know that the current implementation is mostly meant to allow automatic merging of file histories and the like, but I think it would be very nice to expand this feature to also allow a longer and more organized history for the user. Specifically, I was thinking something similar to the way Nextcloud handles its file history, which, by default, is as follows:
The versioning app expires old versions automatically to make sure that the user doesn't run out of space. This pattern is used to delete old versions:
- For the first second we keep one version
- For the first 10 seconds Nextcloud keeps one version every 2 seconds
- For the first minute Nextcloud keeps one version every 10 seconds
- For the first hour Nextcloud keeps one version every minute
- For the first 24 hours Nextcloud keeps one version every hour
- For the first 30 days Nextcloud keeps one version every day
- After the first 30 days Nextcloud keeps one version every week
The versions are adjusted along this pattern every time a new version gets created.
Obviously, LiveSync's version history doesn't have to use this exact pattern, but I think something similar would be very useful to people who might also be interested in keeping a log of the changes they have made to a file for a longer period of time.
Just another user here, I think the above is a good idea, and would also like to see unlimited history, if possible, just like git.
It would be nice if seamless integration with obsidian-git (https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync/issues/232) is possible
Hi. Shouldn't that be a "backup"?
For example,
My "File recovery" setup is to keep a 45-day history every 5 minutes.
I also make backups several times a day for each desktop and mobile device, with generation management to HDD, FolderSync, etc. to cloud storage, etc.
Please also submit a Feature requests for the core plugin "File recovery" as well. Latest Feature requests topics - Obsidian Forum
Since this topic is not related to Issues, it might be a good idea to move it to the Discussion section?