Vincent Royer
Vincent Royer
The java.lang.NullPointerException happens in a debug message because you have an RPC or Internal ip address not set in your cluster gossip state, probably because your seed address does not...
There is many ways, through CQL or the Elasticsearch API, and both have pro and cons, depending on you goals and your application. For example, bluk insert through the Elasticsearch...
Cassandra duration is not supported, as far as I know, there is not corresponding types in Lucene for that. > On 29 Jun 2020, at 09:13, Ryan Quey wrote: >...
Yes, an integer or a long (bigint in Cassandra)... > On 29 Jun 2020, at 21:00, Ryan Quey wrote: > > > Ok that makes sense. Is there a recommended...
Hi Paolo, ES 7.x requires java 12, and Cassandra 3.11 is blocked on java 8. So we need a stable production Cassandra 4.x to provide support for ES 7.x, so...
Elassandra is out !
On the 2th of January 2020. > On 11 Dec 2019, at 14:29, Paolo De Dominicis wrote: > > When will the stable official be out? > > Thanks...
It's about 2 months of work to migrate Elassandra with Elasticsearch 7.x. For production release of Cassandra 4.x, it really depends on tests by the community and big companies like...
So please attach information in the issue (log, version, etc..) !
You probably run elassandra with the default jvm thread stack size, add the JVM option -Xss1m. > On 8 Aug 2020, at 02:30, Didip Kerabat wrote: > > > The...