tree-sitter-templ copied to clipboard
Syntax highlighting boke after using a component which has a child with NVIM.
With the latest version of this project, my syntax highlighting is failing when I using a component with another one inside. I seen a similar closed issue which one is should be fix this, but that fix is not working for me.
For test environment, I used the recommended minimal NVIM configuration from the templ guide.
The current version of this project highlight my code like this:
If I remove the @ character, the highlighting works again like this:
a quick test show we don't handle import expressions using the form
right the now parser thinks the {
starts a new block and it breaks parsing.
Can you share the code of components.FieldControl
and components.Select
to make it easier for me to debug ?
Of course, here you go:
package components
type Select struct {
Values []SelectValues
Class string
Selected string
Placeholder string
Attrs templ.Attributes
type SelectValues struct {
Value string
Data string
templ (i Select) Select() {
<div class="select is-fullwidth">
<select { i.Attrs... }>
for k, v := range i.Values {
if k == 0 && i.Placeholder != "" {
<option selected?={ i.Selected=="" } disabled value="">{ i.Placeholder }</option>
<option selected?={ v.Value==i.Selected } value={ v.Value }>{ v.Data }</option>
package components
templ FieldControl(label string) {
<div class="field">
<label class="label">{ label }</label>
<div class="control">
{ children... }
a quick test show we don't handle import expressions using the form
@Foo{ }
right the now parser thinks the
starts a new block and it breaks parsing.Can you share the code of
to make it easier for me to debug ?
Stumbled on this:
right the now parser thinks the
starts a new block and it breaks parsing.
Is there any news?
I'm trying something similar, but with inconsistencies.
Could you point me on the files that would need to be modified to extend the parser? I've never touched tree-sitter stuff, got some tiny c + compiler/parser experience, maybe I could give a hand
Hi, I started working on this a while ago in this branch: but IIRC it doesn't work and I didn't touch it since then.
I don't have time right now to work on this, if you want to work on this feel free to base your work on my branch.
Okay, will look into it when I have the chance :)
Thank you