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Convenient API for asynchronous operations in PHP

MysqliAsync - Convenient API for asynchronous queries in PHP 5.3+ CurlAsync - Convenient API for asynchronous HTTP connections using CURL in PHP 5+

MysqliAsync API:

$db = new MysqliAsync([$host, [$username, [$passwd, [$dbname, [$port, [$socket]]]]]])

  • specify default credentials

$db->$name($query, [$credentials])

  • execute query
  • $credentials are merged with defaults

$mysqli_result = $db->$name()

  • get results of query identified by $name

CurlAsync API:

$http = new CurlAsync


  • execute request

$string = $http->$name()

  • get result of request identified by $name

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