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JavaScript Syntax Highlighter

JUSH - JavaScript Syntax Highlighter

JUSH - JavaScript Syntax Highlighter

Highlights the full stack of PHP application starting with HTML, PHP, SQL and JavaScript code and ending with HTTP headers, php.ini settings or database variables.

  • Demo
  • SQL highlighter for various databases
  • Tests
  • Homepage


  • Highlights and links documentation in spaghetti code like nothing else: <span style="font: small;"><?php mysql_query("SELECT 1"); ?></span>.
  • Supported languages: everything related to PHP: HTML5, JS, CSS 3, SQL including variables (multiple dialects), php.ini directives, HTTP and e-mail headers, Apache config. Anything could be embedded into each other, e.g. header("Content-Type: text/html") or color: expression(parentNode.style.color).
  • Allows using HTML tags in source code (could be used for pointing out important parts): echo "This part is important.". Produces overlapping HTML tags in this case though.
  • Performance is a priority.
  • <textarea> syntax highlight.

Installation instructions

  1. Copy jush.css and jush.js into your directory.
  2. Add following snippet before the </body> tag in HTML file:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jush.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    All <code class="jush"> tags will be highlighted. Language is determined by the class name beginning with "jush-" (e.g. <code class="jush-js">). Default language is htm. It is also possible to use <code class="language-*">.

Alternativelly call jush.highlight(language, text) to syntax highlight single text.

Command-line help reference

It is also possible to use JUSH for opening the appropriate documentation in a browser. On Windows, it is possible to run:

Syntax: WScript jush-help.wsf filename line column [tabsize] [word]
Example: WScript jush-help.wsf readme.html 2 2

The example should open a browser with documentation of the <html> tag which is at position 2:2 of this file.