Varun Singh
Varun Singh
1B seems the right thing.
What's in the SDP?
What is happening in stats? curious about what is being reported on the payloadType and mimeType? The endpoint is receiving PT 124 but the stats are reporting that PT is...
are these tracks using the same CNAME? otherwise clocks might be different and hinder any A/V sync calculations.
@dontcallmedom should we close this issue? given the other work was merged?
Reviewing what we know presently- 1. The sender and the receiver does not have synchronized clocks. 2. Domhighres just makes sure that the local clock exposed to the application is...
I suppose this is similar in behaviour to the audio level, where the latest or current value at the time of polling is be reported in the stat.
We added networkType in RTCIceCandidateStats in, and the wireless signal-related metrics might need to be correlated to the metrics reported from the network (e.g., losses and RTT). @karthikbr82 could...
Where is this measured? between the camera and the encoder?
agree with the suggestion made by @alvestrand