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ficus stdlib TODO
(in bold there are higher-priority items)
- [x] Basic ops on strings, lists, arrays, numbers, tuples etc. ...
- [ ] Real complex type & ops (need support at compiler level, but mostly can be done in the standard library, just like "option")
- [ ] Introspection, compiler as a library
- [x] JSON parser & emitter
- [ ] XML, YAML parser & emitter
- [x] Async, parallel programming (Mutex class/module or equivalent functionality is necessary to implement first for map-reduce algorithms)
- [x] OS services (files, directories, processes, ...)
- [x] Time & Date (arithmetic operations on time and date, calendar etc.)
- [x] Unit test framework
- [ ] Logging
- [x] Pretty printing
- [x] Regexp (RE2? or something like that)
- [ ] Parsing module for context-free grammars or some more constrained grammars
- [x] Functional & imperative data structures (balanced trees, hash tables, ...)
- [ ] Basic operations on graphs (?)
- [ ] Matrix operations, including popular decompositions
- [ ] Bindings to BLAS & LAPACK
- [x] Math functions
- [x] Random number generation
- [ ] Solvers (Linear programming, convex programming etc.)
- [ ] Geometry (rotations, projections, multiple-view geometry etc.)
- [x] BigInt a.k.a.
(bindings to GMP?) (libBF by Fabrice Bellard? or big.js?). See also #12
- [x] BigInt a.k.a.
- [ ] GPGPU OpenCL (bindings & runtime loader of OpenCL; memory management)
- [ ] GPGPU CUDA (???)
- [ ] OpenGL API (or maybe something more modern?)
- [ ] Vector graphics (AGG, NanoVG, ...)
- [x] Bindings to OpenCV
- [ ] Tiny image processing library (filters, resize & warping, color conversion etc.)
- [ ] Tiny DSP library (DFT, DCT, FIR/IIR filter, windows, ...)
- [ ] (work in progress) Deep learning inference library (importers + execution)
- [ ] Machine learning library (SVM, kNN, ...)
- [x] Image I/O
- [ ] Bindings to zlib, ... (lossless data compression)
- [ ] Bindings to sqlite, convenient SQL queries
- [ ] Video encoding/decoding
- [ ] Audio I/O (including mp3 decoder & microphone & playback)
- [ ] Camera & other sensor access
- [ ] Small network library (sockets, file downloading from url, ...)
- [ ] Simple UI framework (?, LCUI? GLFW? tiny ui)
Hey there, Im a nubie here could you please help me to set up the project in local computer
I'm finding it difficult to understand the code