Vitali Peil
Vitali Peil
Question seems to be solved.
I have a similar intention for the DataCite metadata store (, i.e. DOI registry service for research data. The necessary steps are: - create XML file in datacite format -...
ok, then what about **Catmandu::Webservice** as base class? On 13/03/15 09:30, Patrick Hochstenbach wrote: > @vpeil Yes, but I am a but uncomfortable > with the naming convention. Catmandu::Exporter::Datacite...
What about [Data::Seek]( as a general solution for traversing complex hashes
this one can be closed, I suppose? The magic `visitor bind` has been released.
Yes, color output would be cool. There are several tools to improve the CLI experience: - -
see example for Atom:
I have an implementation of user authorization which works for **publications** only. The reason: - LibreCat::Access and - LibreCat::App::Catalogue::Controller::Permission::Permissions have been written for publications only. We need an extension of...
Here's a suggestion: 1. Introduce an abstraction layer `LibreCat::Permission`. 2. Move `LibreCat::App::Catalogue::Controller::Permission::Permissions` to `LibreCat::Permission::Publication` 3. Introduce a generic `LibreCat::Permission::Base` which allows everything for admins, and nothing for all other users....
This is related to (or maybe the same as?) #490