puppet-windows_firewall copied to clipboard
puppet module for configuring the windows firewall
## How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you use) ``` # run first time with windows_firewall::exception { 'WINRM': ensure => present, direction => 'in', action => 'Allow', enabled => 'yes',...
The rulle is as following: Before class role_*****_pw::firewallrules { windows_firewall::exception{'Puppet Allow Remote Desktop ***** TCP-In': ensure => present, direction => 'in', action => 'allow', enabled => true, protocol => 'TCP',...
To handle continual enforcement of certain attributes #### Pull Request (PR) description The following attributes will get enforced. If the puppet resource using the class doesn't exist it will have...
The command `Get-NetFirewallProfile` shows the variable `DisabledInterfaceAliases` with curly brackets, causing every run to change this parameter. Delete all curly brackets from value to solve this. #### Pull Request (PR)...
## Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions - Puppet: 5.5.14 - Ruby: - Distribution: Windows 2016 - Module version: 4.0.0 ## How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you use)...
## Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions - Puppet: 7 - Ruby: - Distribution: - Module version: 4.0.0 ## How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you use) windows_firewall::exception {...
hello i need help i make a windows slave for a puppet master and i use this module for manage the firewall but the agent give me error message :...
#### Pull Request (PR) description #### This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues
The version on Puppet Force (4.0.0) seems to require stdlib < 7 and only has support for puppet < 7. It seems the version in the repository has support for...