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Puppet module to install, configure and manage Wildfly (8/9/10+), JBoss EAP (6.1+/7.0+) and some Wildfly based products like apiman, Keycloak and Infinispan.

Results 49 puppet-wildfly issues
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I'm in the middle of converting our old Puppet 3.8 repos to 4.x. I'm almost done with the Wildfly stuff, but I'm having trouble changing the bind interfaces from

Fair warning: I am using commits from these two PRs: 1) https://github.com/biemond/biemond-wildfly/pull/242 ( increased CLIParser debug output ) 2) https://github.com/biemond/biemond-wildfly/pull/241 ( fixes @, $, and # for identifiers ) Sorry...

I am trying to add a vault to an ldap_connection. wildfly::resource { '/core-service=management/ldap-connection=ad_ldap_connection': content => { 'search-credential' => '${VAULT::jboss-binda::password::1}', 'url' => 'ldaps://ldap.company.com:636', 'search-dn' => "CN=${service_account},OU=Service Accounts,DC=corp,DC=company,DC=com", }, } This results...

Hi, we control standalone.conf and domain.conf by a thirth party program. So if possible can you change the setup.pp like this? ``` file { "${wildfly::dirname}/bin/${wildfly::mode}.conf": ensure => file, owner =>...

I am using the following code to try to enable proxy-address-forwarding in the default http-listener. `wildfly::resource { '/subsystem=undertow/server="default-server"/http-listener=default': content => { 'proxy_address_forwarding' => true, } }` Unfortunately I am getting...

Error: Could not set 'file' on ensure: No such file or directory @ dir_s_mkdir - /var/cache/wget/wildfly-10.1.0.Final.tar.gz20170501-21551-1j8ydz8.lock at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/shop_dev/modules/wildfly/manifests/install.pp:12 Creating /var/cache/wget fixed the issue.


Hi, are there any plans to update the module to support Wildfly 11? Kind regards Jo

Change wildfly from a class to a define and allow: ``` puppet wildfly::install { 'wildfly-1': } wildfly::instance { 'wildfly-1': } ```


EAP is obtained from Red Hat as a 'zip' file. It would be nice if this module could ingest the zip instead of having to change the format before ingestion.

I am attempting to use the EAP7 packages through the yum repo from Red Hat. I'm having a problem getting a few items working. - If I set manage_user to...
