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puppetserver_config/augeas provider rspec failures on travis
rspec tests in spec/unit/puppet/provider/puppetserver_config/augeas_spec.rb are OK on my computer with Fedora 25 but fail with travis.
1) Puppet::Type::Puppetserver_config::ProviderAugeas with empty file should create simple new entry
Failure/Error: @logs.select { |log| loglevels.include? log.level and log.message !~ /'modulepath' as a setting/ }.should == []
expected: []
got: [Could not evaluate: Augeas didn't load /tmp/target20170118-2680-1txepk4 with Trapperkeeper.lns: ] (using ==)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
+[Could not evaluate: Augeas didn't load /tmp/target20170118-2680-1txepk4 with Trapperkeeper.lns: ]
# ./spec/fixtures/modules/augeasproviders_core/spec/lib/augeas_spec/fixtures.rb:32:in `apply!'
# ./spec/unit/puppet/provider/puppetserver_config/augeas_spec.rb:20:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
full output in travis: https://travis-ci.org/voxpupuli/puppet-puppetserver/jobs/193161617
maybe someone has an idea whats wrong and what to fix.