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Puppet module to manage Logstash
A Puppet module for managing and configuring Logstash.
Version 7 and newer of this module are released by Vox Pupuli. They now follow semantic versioning. Previously the module was maintained by Elastic.
- The stdlib module.
- Logstash < 7.0.0 requires Java. The puppetlabs/java module is recommended for installing Java.
- The elastic_stack module when using automatic repository management.
- The apt (>= 2.0.0) module when using repo management on Debian/Ubuntu.
- The zypprepo module when using repo management on SLES/SuSE.
Quick Start
This minimum viable configuration ensures that Logstash is installed, enabled, and running:
include logstash
# You must provide a valid pipeline configuration for the service to start.
logstash::configfile { 'my_ls_config':
content => template('path/to/config.file'),
Package and service options
Choosing a Logstash major version
This module uses the related "elastic/elastic_stack" module to manage package repositories. Since there is a separate repository for each major version of the Elastic stack, if you don't want the default version, it's necessary to select which version to configure, like this:
class { 'elastic_stack::repo':
version => 6,
include logstash
Choosing a Logstash minor version
class { 'logstash':
version => '6.8.0',
Manual repository management
You may want to manage repositories manually. You can disable automatic repository management like this:
class { 'logstash':
manage_repo => false,
Using an explicit package source
Rather than use your distribution's repository system, you can specify an explicit package to fetch and install.
class { 'logstash':
package_url => 'https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/logstash/logstash-7.17.8-x86_64.rpm',
From a 'puppet://' URL
class { 'logstash':
package_url => 'puppet:///modules/my_module/logstash-7.17.8-x86_64.rpm',
From a local file on the agent
class { 'logstash':
package_url => 'file:///tmp/logstash-7.17.8-x86_64.rpm',
Allow automatic point-release upgrades
class { 'logstash':
auto_upgrade => true,
Use a different logstash home
class { 'logstash':
home_dir => '/opt/logstash',
Do not run as a service
class { 'logstash':
status => 'disabled',
Disable automatic restarts
Under normal circumstances, changing a configuration will trigger a restart of the service. This behaviour can be disabled:
class { 'logstash':
restart_on_change => false,
Disable and remove Logstash
class { 'logstash':
ensure => 'absent',
Logstash config files
Logstash uses several files to define settings for the service and associated Java runtime. The settings files can be configured with class parameters.
with flat keys
class { 'logstash':
settings => {
'pipeline.batch.size' => 25,
'pipeline.batch.delay' => 5,
with nested keys
class { 'logstash':
settings => {
'pipeline' => {
'batch' => {
'size' => 25,
'delay' => 5,
class { 'logstash':
jvm_options => [
class { 'logstash':
startup_options => {
'LS_NICE' => '10',
class { 'logstash':
pipelines => [
"pipeline.id" => "pipeline_one",
"path.config" => "/usr/local/etc/logstash/pipeline-1/one.conf",
"pipeline.id" => "pipeline_two",
"path.config" => "/usr/local/etc/logstash/pipeline-2/two.conf",
Note that specifying pipelines
will automatically remove the default
setting from logstash.yml
, since this is incompatible with
Enabling centralized pipeline management with xpack.management.enabled
also remove the default path.config
Pipeline Configuration
Pipeline configuration files can be declared with the logstash::configfile
logstash::configfile { 'inputs':
content => template('path/to/input.conf.erb'),
logstash::configfile { 'filters':
source => 'puppet:///path/to/filter.conf',
For simple cases, it's possible to provide your Logstash config as an inline string:
logstash::configfile { 'basic_ls_config':
content => 'input { heartbeat {} } output { null {} }',
You can also specify the exact path for the config file, which is particularly useful with multiple pipelines:
logstash::configfile { 'config_for_pipeline_two':
content => 'input { heartbeat {} } output { null {} }',
path => '/usr/local/etc/logstash/pipeline-2/two.conf',
If you want to use Hiera to specify your configs, include the following create_resources call in your manifest:
create_resources('logstash::configfile', hiera('my_logstash_configs'))
...and then create a data structure like this in Hiera:
template: site_logstash/nginx.conf.erb
template: site_logstash/syslog.conf.erb
In this example, templates for the config files are stored in the custom,
site-specific module "site_logstash
Many plugins (notably Grok) use patterns. While many are included in Logstash already, additional site-specific patterns can be managed as well.
logstash::patternfile { 'extra_patterns':
source => 'puppet:///path/to/extra_pattern',
By default the resulting filename of the pattern will match that of the source. This can be over-ridden:
logstash::patternfile { 'extra_patterns_firewall':
source => 'puppet:///path/to/extra_patterns_firewall_v1',
filename => 'extra_patterns_firewall',
IMPORTANT NOTE: Using logstash::patternfile places new patterns in the correct directory, however, it does NOT cause the path to be included automatically for filters (example: grok filter). You will still need to include this path (by default, /etc/logstash/patterns/) explicitly in your configurations.
Example: If using 'grok' in one of your configurations, you must include the pattern path in each filter like this:
# Note: this example is Logstash configuration, not a Puppet resource.
# Logstash and Puppet look very similar!
grok {
patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns/"
Plugin management
Installing by name (from RubyGems.org)
logstash::plugin { 'logstash-input-beats': }
Installing from a local Gem
logstash::plugin { 'logstash-input-custom':
source => '/tmp/logstash-input-custom-0.1.0.gem',
Installing from a 'puppet://' URL
logstash::plugin { 'logstash-filter-custom':
source => 'puppet:///modules/my_ls_module/logstash-filter-custom-0.1.0.gem',
Installing from an 'http(s)://' URL
logstash::plugin { 'x-pack':
source => 'https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/packs/x-pack/x-pack-5.3.0.zip',
Controling the environment for the logstash-plugin
logstash::plugin { 'logstash-input-websocket':
environment => 'LS_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1g -Xmx1g',
Transfer Notice
This module was originally authored by Elastic. The maintainer preferred that Vox Pupuli take ownership of the module for future improvement and maintenance. Existing pull requests and issues were transferred over, please fork and continue to contribute here instead of Elastic.