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Jenkins::credentials not allow private key to be added

Open elocnatsirt opened this issue 8 years ago • 6 comments

I am trying to add a deploy key to my Jenkins cluster, just as the example specifies. The code I am using is as such:

jenkins::credentials { 'jenkins_deploy_key':
  password            => '',
  private_key_or_path => $credentials['jenkins_deploy_user']['key'],
  uuid                => $credentials['jenkins_deploy_user']['uuid'],

The command that gets run is as such:

/usr/bin/java -jar /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar -s groovy /usr/lib/jenkins/puppet_helper.groovy create_or_update_credentials jenkins_deploy_key '' '(UUID)' 'Managed by Puppet' '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- (KEY) -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'

The output is:

"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- (KEY) -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" is not a valid option java -jar jenkins-cli.jar groovy [SCRIPT] [ARGUMENTS ...] [--username VAL] [--password VAL] [--password-file VAL] Executes the specified Groovy script. SCRIPT : Script to be executed. File, URL or '=' to represent stdin. ARGUMENTS : Command line arguments to pass into script. --username VAL : User name to authenticate yourself to Jenkins --password VAL : Password for authentication. Note that passing a password in arguments is insecure. --password-file VAL : File that contains the password

If I manually run a command on the CLI such as:

/usr/bin/java -jar /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar -s groovy /usr/lib/jenkins/puppet_helper.groovy create_or_update_credentials jenkins_deploy_key '' '(UUID)' 'Managed by Puppet' 'just some text'

Then it works -- if I try to add the actual key manually via the CLI, I get the same error as above. The GUI works fine.

Looks like this is related: https://github.com/jenkinsci/puppet-jenkins/issues/370 But has not been resolved as far as I see.

elocnatsirt avatar Apr 29 '16 18:04 elocnatsirt

Just to be clear, your private key in $credentials['jenkins_deploy_user']['key'] is the key itself, not the reference to a file right?

I also tried to do this, based on the example

  jenkins::credentials { 'gogs-deploy-key':
      password            => '',
      private_key_or_path => hiera('gogs_deploy_key'),

with hieradata:

gogs_deploy_key: |

But get the following error

Notice: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib/puppet/type/jenkins_security_realm.rb]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}be1c28bacfa6d7sJoDghllt7LDT/hUBz4/GMQY4ydXPKZfZfBlpQIDAQABAoIBAQCnj8PVx+S3dii1
' returned 255 instead of one of [0]

dsbaars avatar May 08 '16 17:05 dsbaars

Correct, the key is eyaml encrypted in Hiera.

Reading further on this issue it is referenced to be a bug in the jenkins-cli.jar because of args4j, however the provided example of putting a private key makes me wonder if I am doing it wrong or there is some secret to getting this correct.

As a workaround, I suppose I could just put the key on the filesystem and then link the path in the credentials, but that feels like a janky way of doing it if I could use the provided tool.

elocnatsirt avatar May 09 '16 12:05 elocnatsirt

Exactly my ugly workaround for now..

  file { "/var/lib/jenkins/gogs_deploy_key":
    mode => "0600",
    owner => 'jenkins',
    group => 'jenkins',
    content => hiera('gogs_deploy_key'),
  jenkins::credentials { 'gogs-deploy-key':
      password            => '',
      private_key_or_path => "/var/lib/jenkins/gogs_deploy_key",

More required fixes (source: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-23223)

diff --git a/manifests/service.pp b/manifests/service.pp
index 816ce9e..e737036 100644
--- a/manifests/service.pp
+++ b/manifests/service.pp
@@ -14,4 +14,26 @@ class jenkins::service {
     hasrestart => true,

+  case $::osfamily {
+    'Debian': {
+      file_line { 'jenkins_fix_cli':
+        ensure => present,
+        path   => '/etc/default/jenkins',
+        line   => 'JAVA_ARGS+=" -Dhudson.diyChunking=false "',
+        require => Service['jenkins']
+      }
+      file_line { 'jenkins_skip_wizard':
+        ensure => present,
+        path   => '/etc/default/jenkins',
+        line   => 'JAVA_ARGS+=" -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false "',
+        require => Service['jenkins']
+      }
+    }
+    default: {
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/manifests/cli_helper.pp b/manifests/cli_helper.pp
index 4311e1e..02ac8d7 100644
--- a/manifests/cli_helper.pp
+++ b/manifests/cli_helper.pp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 class jenkins::cli_helper (
   $ssh_keyfile = $::jenkins::cli_ssh_keyfile,
+  $login_admin = $::jenkins::login_admin
 ) {
   include ::jenkins
   include ::jenkins::cli
@@ -38,7 +39,10 @@ class jenkins::cli_helper (
   # Provide the -i flag if specified by the user.
   if $ssh_keyfile {
     $auth_arg = "-i ${ssh_keyfile}"
+  } elsif $login_admin {
+    $extra_args = "--username admin --password `cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword`"
   } else {
+    $extra_args = undef
     $auth_arg = undef

@@ -53,6 +57,7 @@ class jenkins::cli_helper (
       "groovy ${helper_groovy}",
+      $extra_args
     ' '

dsbaars avatar May 09 '16 12:05 dsbaars

@GuitarrasDeAmor I've PRed a fix/workaround for this in https://github.com/jenkinsci/puppet-jenkins/pull/580. In order to use it, you'd just have to pad your private key with a newline. For example in hiera-eyaml:

    uuid: 'svc.jenkins'
    private_key_or_path: |

I guess since the string now starts with a newline rather than a hyphen, it no longer gets misinterpreted as a switch. Anyway, it works.

br0ch0n avatar May 17 '16 01:05 br0ch0n

As the upstream bug https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-30652 is still open, the module should provide a workaround by always add spaces to the SSHKey.

elconas avatar Nov 18 '16 10:11 elconas

Can we get this workaround into the README.md?

rharrison10 avatar May 02 '18 18:05 rharrison10