puppet-archive copied to clipboard
Provider curl to wget
Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions
- Puppet: 6
- Ruby:?
- Distribution: rhel9
- Module version: latest
How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you use)
I am trying to use wget as provider, but the module is still using curl. I would like to use wget in the latest curl version of rhel9 there is a bug.
archive { "arcgis_package":
ensure => present,
source => "${nexus_host}/${nexus_url}/${package_name}.tgz"
extract => true,
provider => 'wget',
extract_path => $staging_dir,
cleanup => false,
notify => Exec['install_arcgis_server'],
require => Package['wget', 'bunzip'],
What are you seeing
The curl command
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: no parameter named 'provider' (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/ICT_9246_DEV/modules/arcgis_server/manifests/install.pp, line: 50) on Archive[arcgis_package] (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/ICT_9246_DEV/modules/arcgis_server/manifests/install.pp, line: 50) on node
Debug: Executing: '/bin/curl http://woot/content/repositories/gdn-data/software/arcgis-server/11.2/arcgis-server-11.2.tgz -o /tmp/arcgis-server-11.2.tgz_20240223-771474-1jdr6y5 -fsSLg --max-redirs 5'
What behaviour did you expect instead
Debug: Executing: '/bin/wget http://woot/content/repositories/gdn-data/software/arcgis-server/11.2/arcgis-server-11.2.tgz -o /tmp/arcgis-server-11.2.tgz_20240223-771474-1jdr6y5 -fsSLg --max-redirs 5'
Output log
Debug: Executing: '/bin/wget http://woot/content/repositories/gdn-data/software/arcgis-server/11.2/arcgis-server-11.2.tgz -o /tmp/arcgis-server-11.2.tgz_20240223-771474-1jdr6y5 -fsSLg --max-redirs 5'
Any additional information you'd like to impart
Nothing to add aa