hiera-eyaml copied to clipboard
lookup example with default parameter if decrypt fails
I'm using puppet apply during development / testing, which does not work anymore, if I use "lookup" for an eyaml value:
I expected that the following call to lookup
would return "INVALID" in this case:
class vmware::maintenance::write_vsphere_api_key {
$method = lookup('profiles::mail::smarthost_password_eyaml',String,undef,"INVALID")
#$method = "INVALID"
warning("METHOD: $method")
if ($method != "INVALID") {
warning("Applying secret")
I expected, if the decrypt is not possible, lookup
should return INVALID in $method, but I get:
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call,
Lookup of key 'profiles::mail::smarthost_password_eyaml' failed:
hiera-eyaml backend error decrypting
and, as a result, puppet apply aborts.
puppet documentation for lookup
: https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/7/hiera_automatic.html
(replacing the eyaml key with anything not available, returns INVALID)
Is there a different solution? Something like:
- if the the eyaml key is present and decrypt fails, its possible to get this information without aborting puppet?
(I did not find an example for this.)
Hi, thanka for bringing this up. can you add --debug
to the puppet apply
? Does that provide more (helpful) output?
Thanks for your reply, but --debug
does not provide any helpful output, but here is the complete error messge:
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call,
Lookup of key 'profiles::mail::smarthost_password_eyaml' failed: hiera-eyaml backend error decrypting ENC[PKCS7,M....]
when looking up profiles::mail::smarthost_password_eyaml in /etc/puppet/environments/devel/hieradata/secrets.eyaml.
Error was No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/eyaml_keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem
(file: /etc/puppet/environments/devel/modules/vmware/manifests/maintenance.pp, line: 20, column: 13) on node host01.home.de
This is my solution to the problem:
# https://serverfault.com/questions/127466/how-do-i-access-an-environment-variable-in-a-puppet-manifest
# before puppet apply write in Makefile or command line
# facter will import this into puppet in lower case.
class vmware::maintenance::write_vsphere_api_key {
notify { "(eyaml) puppet_local_is_running: $::puppet_local_is_running": }
if ( "x$::puppet_local_is_running" == "x" ) {
# variable not found => assume decrypt will work
$secret = lookup('secrets::test::confidential',String,undef,"INVALID")
} else {
$secret = "INVALID"
notify { "(eyaml) Secret: $secret": }
if ($secret != "INVALID") {
notify { "(eyaml) Applying secrect": }
The secrets cannot be written in the puppet apply
case, which is okay for development, and in this case the whole secret part is omitted and will only be executed in an puppet agent
As a result:
- puppet does not abort during local testing and other manifests will work
Note: The notify
prints are for testing only and prints on the client in both scenarios (apply
and agent
Keep in mind that other loggings debug,notice,..
will appear in the server logs, therefore any logging should be avoided / removed.