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playing with voxel.js
voxelmetaverse: playing with voxel.js
Live demo: https://voxel.github.io/voxelmetaverse/
- 2021/01/09 6 years after 6 months of voxel.js: A Retrospective
- 2016/05/10 voxel.js modules, now 100% transpile-free
- 2014/04/20 Six Months of voxel.js: a look back through my git commit history
Core plugins:
- voxel-engine-stackgl: An experimental port of voxel-engine replacing three.js with stackgl
- voxel-registry: A shared registry for managing item and block IDs
- voxel-stitch: Stitches a set of block textures together into a texture atlas
- voxel-shader: Shader for use with voxel-mesher
- voxel-mesher: A voxel mesher for ndarrays that handles ambient occlusion and transparency
- game-shell-fps-camera: First person shooter style camera controls for game-shell
Additional plugins:
- voxel-artpacks: Artpack selector dialog
- voxel-wireframe: Shows a wireframe around the voxels
- voxel-chunkborder: Show borders around the outline of chunks
- voxel-outline: Show an outline around the player's currently targeted block
- voxel-carry: Adds a player inventory for carrying items
- voxel-bucket: Adds buckets to pickup and place fluids
- voxel-fluid: Fluid registry
- voxel-skyhook: A block that can be placed in mid-air, no other block required in the world to be placed against
- voxel-bedrock: Bedrock block
- voxel-recipes: Provides access to craftingrecipes
- voxel-quarry: Automated mining quarry
- voxel-measure: Tape measure tool to measure distance between blocks
- voxel-webview: Embed webpages in a voxel.js world using CSS 3D
- voxel-vr: WebVR voxel.js plugin
- voxel-workbench: A workbench block to access a 3x3 crafting grid
- voxel-furnace: A furnace block for smelting items
- voxel-chest: Chests to store your items
- voxel-inventory-hotbar: Adds a hotbar to view and select a subset of player inventory
- voxel-inventory-crafting: A player inventory and crafting dialog
- voxel-voila: Show name of block highlighted at your cursor
- voxel-health: Stores player health value
- voxel-health-bar: Player health bar display
- voxel-food: Adds food you can eat to improve your health
- voxel-scriptblock: A block to run player-defined JavaScript code
- voxel-sfx: Play sound effects on events
- voxel-flight: Double-tap jump to toggle flight mode, then use jump/crouch to adjust altitude, and land if you hit the ground
- voxel-gamemode: Toggle between a creative/survival game modes
- voxel-sprint: Double-tap the forward key (default 'W') to sprint
- voxel-decals: Adds textured planes on the side of blocks
- voxel-mine: Mine blocks of variable hardness, hold down the left mouse button to mine
- voxel-harvest: Add mined blocks from voxel-mine to an inventory
- voxel-use: Use items and blocks
- voxel-reach: Listen for fire/firealt events, raycast the voxel within reach, and send mining/interact events for the hit voxel
- voxel-pickaxe: Adds pickaxe tools to help you mine faster
- voxel-hammer: Adds a hammer tool to mine blocks in a 3x3x1 area
- voxel-wool: Colored wool blocks
- voxel-pumpkin: Carvable pumpkin blocks, a directional block metadata demonstration
- voxel-blockdata: Store arbitrary per-block data in chunks
- voxel-glass: Glass blocks
- voxel-land: A terrain generator combining several landform features: grass, dirt, stone, trees
- voxel-flatland: Simple flat land terrain generator
- voxel-decorative: Decorative blocks you can craft
- voxel-inventory-creative: Inventory dialog with an infinite supply of all items and blocks
- voxel-console: Text console widget
- voxel-commands: A few basic commands for voxel-console
- voxel-drop: Drag and drop various types of files to load them into your game
- voxel-zen: Hide distracting UI elements
- camera-debug: Adjustable camera debug datgui settings for voxel-shader
- voxel-plugins-ui: A graphical interface for voxel-plugins using dat-gui
- voxel-fullscreen: Toggle fullscreen with a hotkey
- voxel-keys: Events for key bindings
- kb-bindings-ui: A graphical interface for configuring kb-bindings or game-shell using dat-gui.