Alan Ball

Results 19 issues of Alan Ball

It would have been really helpful when I was messing with this a few months ago and couldn't figure out how to do "distance" :). Thanks for all the hard... I used the SingleFile firefox extension to save to a file, and then used `$ cat ittybitty.html | base64 | sed "1 s|^|data\:text/html;base64,|"` to encode that into a...

This is @alexswan10k 's work, though they have decided to prioritize rust, I'd like to keep this PR #2509 available so that work may continue on it, and people interested...

I propose we revisit the proposal of allowing unicode symbols to be used as operators with a simplified precedence model. The existing way of approaching this problem in F# is...

area: syntax

# Suggestion Improve the language of FS0018 so that the common situation where you forgot to open a type is more obvious. Don't allow the error to clobber the warning...

So it's a bit inconvenient if I must always have the double backticks. I assume this is because of the dash. For example ```fsharp PS.``Get-EventLog``(logName="Application", entryType=[|"Error"|], newest=2) ``` is it...


PDF# aka PDFSharp Hope this helps!

WIP, and untested, though this should roughly cover most of the things needed. It's possible some work is still needed. This should support any fedi instance that is federated with...

## The bug When I run octopus task wait it consistently prints out and clears the line. This is not what I would expect with --no-prompt. It should run, output...