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Nexus.js - The next-gen JavaScript platform

Results 5 nexusjs issues
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On OS X, I get this: ``` [email protected] ~/W/G/n/build $ ninja -j 16 [828/1358] Linking CXX static library lib/libjs_bundle.a FAILED: lib/libjs_bundle.a : && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.13.4/bin/cmake -E remove lib/libjs_bundle.a && /Applications/ qc...

A native-addon ABI and a build system for the package manager should be proposed. Please use this issue to discuss this aspect of the project.

help wanted

Hi is there any Release Timeline or something else when does it finished to try on production Projects. thx for Info

A lot of libraries out there are geared towards the browser which has globals for interacting with the OS. I think it would be useful to provide some of these...