react-donut-chart copied to clipboard
An extendable SVG donut chart React component
An extendable SVG-based donut chart React component.
npm install react-donut-chart --save
import DonutChart from 'react-donut-chart';
// things I would never do:
label: 'Give you up',
value: 25,
label: '',
value: 75,
isEmpty: true,
View the demo online
Name | Required | Default | Description |
data | true | [{ |
The chart data |
className | false | donutchart |
This is the className given to the top-level svg element. All subclasses are prefixed from this name:
selected class is given to selected items, the toggled class to all toggled items, and the isEmpty class to all isEmpty items. All style (and animations) can be manipulated from the CSS |
height | false | 500 |
Height of the entire component |
width | false | 750 |
Width of the entire component. If no legend is specified, then the chart takes up the entire width. If a legend is toggled, then the chart takes up 2/3 of the width, and the legend takes up 1/3 |
colors | false | ['#f44336', '#e91e63', '#9c27b0', '#673ab7', '#3f51b5', '#2196f3', '#03a9f4', '#00bcd4', '#009688', '#4caf50', '#8bc34a', '#cddc39', '#ffeb3b', '#ffc107', '#ff9800', '#ff5722', '#795548', '#607d8b' ] |
An array of colors (could be hex strings or named colors) for the data items. Defaults to an array of Google colors |
emptyColor | false | '#e0e0e0' |
A color for empty data items, defaults to gray |
strokeColor | false | '#212121' |
A color for the stroke around the items in the graph and legend, defaults to black |
colorFunction | false | (colors, index) => colors[(index % colors.length)] |
The default cycles through the array of colors and loops for excess |
innerRadius | false | 0.70 |
The inner donut radius |
outerRadius | false | 0.90 |
The outer donut radius |
selectedOffset | false | 0.03 |
The outerRadius offset when an item is selected |
emptyOffset | false | 0.08 |
The innerRadius and outerRadius offset on isEmpty items |
toggledOffset | false | 0.04 |
The innerRadius and outerRadius offset on toggle-clicked items |
formatValues | false | (values, total) => `${(values / total * 100).toFixed(2)}%` |
Custom format for values displayed in the donut chart's inner text area. By default formats as percentages rounded to two decimal places. |
onMouseEnter | false | (item) => item |
Callback that fires when an item is hovered |
onMouseLeave | false | (item) => item |
Callback that fires when an item is unhovered |
onClick | false | onClick: (item, toggled) => (toggled ? item : null) |
Callback that fires when an item is toggle-clicked |
legend | false | true |
Determines whether or not to create a legend |
clickToggle | false | true |
Determines whether or not to toggle-freeze the graph on the arc that has been clicked |
interactive | false | true |
Determines whether to add interactive handlers |
- Add
- New module infrastructure
- Typescript
- Updated dependencies for bug fixes
- Updated linting
- Bug fixes when no data present and when 100%.
- No legend offset by default
- Hacking for condition of 100%.
- Adding lib dist build process to fix importing/
- Initial release with demo