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A tiny script for generating attractive avatars.

Random Avatar

A tiny script for generating attractive random avatars. Relies on randomColor and the canvas element. Better than those weird Gravatar shapes, more exciting than a solid color. See index.html for some samples.


Only built to be used in the browser. Never tested with nodejs, but it's wrapped in a UMD pattern. To use it:

var avatar = randomAvatar(); // an image element for easy display
var div = document.getElementById('a-random-element'); // grab some element that's on your website
div.appendChild(avatar); // place it in the DOM


size - All generated avatars are square, so this value is used for both width and height [default: 128]

style - Which of the three background styles to use: circle, square, hex [default: random]

text - The text to display [default: one random capitalized letter]

contrast - Adjusts the contrast of the background colors, with higher values providing a lot more color variations. Values too high will make the text difficult to read, recommended values are 0-40) [default: 25]

luminosity - Directly passed to randomColorjs, controls the luminosity of the generated color. You can specify a string containing random, bright, light or dark [default: bright]

outputType - Which data type to return. If image is specified it will return an Image element. Otherwise, canvas will return the raw canvas element [default: image]


// returns a 128x128 Image element with a square tile background in a lovely springtime pastel hue and the text "CB" overlaying it
	size: 128,
	luminosity: 'light',
	style: 'square',
	text: 'CB'

// returns a 32x32 Image element with a random background pattern and no text
	size: 32,
	text: ''